Use this log to report completion of Introduction to Word
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 Before starting the module, print this log.

When using Excel as a database for Mail Merge, where must the field names be entered?



Explain how to make Excel adjust column widths of several columns at the same time.



What must be done in order to see your Excel document as the data source for a MS Word formletter?



Print at least one form letter from the Mail merge activity and attach it to this log.



Tell what Keyboard shortcut is used to open a new document



You have selected some portion of text. What keyboard shortcut is used to extend the selected text to include one more word?



Complete the assignment at the bottom of the Keyboard Shortcuts page. Complete all 8 steps of the assignment without reaching for the mouse.

How many times did you have to start over in order to do all 8? ______


What do sub-points on a PowerPoint show correspond to on the Word document?



In your own words, define hyperlink.



Download the document named Desiderada.doc and save it to a disk which you will submit with this log.



Download the document named hooray4me.doc and save it to a disk which you will submit with this log.



Create a bookmark on the document Desiderada.doc, following the instructions in Step a4 of the hyperlink module page.



Create a hyperlink to the bookmark you just made on the document Desiderada.doc, following the instructions in Step a5 of the hyperlink module page.



Create a hyperlink to .the file hooray4me.doc (which you saved on your disk), following the instructions in Step b4 of the hyperlink module page.



Create a hyperlink to a web page on the document Desiderada.doc, following the instructions in Step c4 of the hyperlink module page.



Before you try your hyperlink to a web page on the document Desiderada.doc, make a prediction as to which of the three choices is correct.


Make sure that all three hyperlinks work correctly. Save the document to your disk if you had to make any changes. Be sure that hooray4me.doc is also on the disk. Submit the disk with your log. This counts as four entries on your log.

Teacher's Name _______________________________________________

Teacher's Signature ________________________________________________

School __________________________________________________

Principal's Signature ________________________________________________

Date of completion _____________________

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