Planning Tools
Links verified on 2/16/2023
- Assign-A-Day - Teachers create calendars for their classes and add assignments for the students to view
- Best Internet Tools for Distance Learning - some of the best distance learning tools for people of all ages
- Classroom Set up - Architect - Outline Your Classroom Floor Plan.
- Classroom Set up -Seating Chart Maker - Quickest and easiest way to make yourself a seating chart for your classroom. All you need to do is make a class list, drag and drop students desks wherever you want, then print.
- Do the Research! Worksheets - A variety of activities for getting students engaged in the research process.
- Student Grouping Tool - Easily group your students randomly with this tool.
- Free Rubric Makers - from Teach-nology (scroll down)
- The Science of Classroom Design - an infographic
- Time Line Maker - from Teach-nology (scroll down)
- Weekly Multi-Subject Assignment - from Teach-nology (scroll down)
- Weekly Planning Tool - Calendar help for planning
- Weekly Assignment Sheet Generator - from Teach-nology (scroll down)
Don't Miss These Two!
- Early Learning HQ - hundreds of foundation stage/phase and key stage one resources that are all free to download; resources to assist early years practitioners and to inspire and educate the children whom they teach
- Personal Educational Press - Create free educational worksheets such as flashcards, game boards, and quizzes to print directly from your browser. Make tracing sheets, quizzes, study sheets, word lists, bingo cards, word scrambles, word searches and more!
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