Beginning Addition - CCSS K.OA.A.1, K.OA.A.2, K.OA.A.3, K.OA.A.4, K.OA.A.5
Links verified on 10/28/2024
1. Add Two Numbers Within 5.
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Online interactive quiz that is self checking.  SEE MORE
2. Addition Color by Number.
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Add the addends together on the right to find the matching color, then tap on the sum in the drawing. It will fill in with the color you chose. Complete the drawing and click "Check" to see if you've answered all the math problems correctly. SEE MORE
3. Addition Puzzles.
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Learn addition up to 20 with our free online addition games for kids. Look for pairs of tiles: the addition problem and the corresponding result. Uncover the hidden picture. SEE MORE
4. Addition to 20.
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Count up to 20. Check result, play again. More than 400 addition exercises available. SEE MORE
5. Addition with Pictures up to 5, 10.
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Use pictures to solve addition problems. SEE MORE
6. Addition.
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Let’s learn about addition through step-by-step guides, number games and other activities. SEE MORE
7. Color Dots.
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Color Dots will put your speed to the test. See how how far you can get in this fast paced math game. Answer 8 math equations correctly to start the game. But be ready to start clicking like the wind. SEE MORE
8. Flashcards.
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Practice your math facts with these flashcards from Fact Monster. Seven levels from basic math facts to 3-digit problems.  SEE MORE
9. How to Make a Number with Sums Up to 10.
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Chose the two digits that add up to the number given. SEE MORE
10. Marble Math.
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Drag the objects to create the problems and then count and click on the correct answer. This resource includes voice instructions for students  SEE MORE
11. Math Baseball.
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Play ball while you improve your math skills! Complete the number sentence with numbers less than 10(Four levels) SEE MORE
12. Math Tests.
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Select the length, level, time, and the operation you would like to test (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) to generate an online math test.  SEE MORE
13. Mental Math Trainer.
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Mastering mental math or being able to do arithmetic calculations in your head will have a crucial impact on your life. If you become an expert in mental math, that is, you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers in your head faster than most people can do with a calculator. This website will help you to practice and improve your abilities in mental math problem solving. SEE MORE
14. One Digit Addition.
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Four math games for kindergarteners to help them build their addition skills and sharpen their memory in a fun way. SEE MORE
15. Vectorkids: addition and subtraction flashcards.
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Choose addition or subtraction and the number to practice. The number you choose will be added or subtracted to a set of numbers between 0 and 12 in random order. SEE MORE
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