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4th Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Measurement: Area, Perimeter - CCSS 4.MD.A.2, 4.MD.A.3

Links verified on 07/28/2021

1. Area and Perimeter.

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Calculate the area or perimeter of the rectangle. SEE MORE
2. Area Explorer.

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Students are shown shapes on a grid after setting the perimeter and asked to calculate areas of the shapes. SEE MORE
3. Artie Ounces Soda Jerk.

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Fill the bottles with the correct capacity. SEE MORE
4. Comparison Estimator.

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Similar to Estimator but compares two sets of objects. SEE MORE
5. Estimator.

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Practice estimation skills by determining the number of objects, length, or area. (parameters: error tolerance) SEE MORE
6. Find Perimeter Game.

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Practice finding perimeter with units for square and rectangle. SEE MORE
7. Measure it.

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Practice using a ruler. (inches and centimeters) SEE MORE
8. More or Less Estimator.

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Similar to Estimator activity but states a quantity and asks the user to estimate whether the set of objects is more or less than the number given. SEE MORE
9. Perimeter Explorer.

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Students are shown shapes on a grid after setting the area and asked to calculate perimeters of the shapes. SEE MORE
10. Perimeter.

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Review the lesson on perimeter and then practice. SEE MORE
11. Shape Explorer.

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Students are shown shapes on a grid and asked to calculate areas and perimeters of the shapes. SEE MORE
12. Zoo Designer.

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Design five enclosures for the animals at a local zoo. You have to use your knowledge of how to calculate area and perimeter to design the correct enclosures and to earn your Zoo Designer Points. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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