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7th Grade Interactive Language Arts Skill Builders


Story Elements - CCSS RL.7.1, RL.7.2, RL.7.3

Links verified on 12/30/2023

1. Characters.

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Select a character and create your own story. When you have finished typing, print the page to save your story.  SEE MORE
2. Cube Creator.

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Select which type of cube you would like to make: Bio, Mystery, story or create-your-own. Then fill in the information in the cube. Print it out to assemble. Printable planning sheet also available. SEE MORE
3. Literary Elements (Setting, Plot, & Characters)

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A "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" style game. Can you answer the questions to gain fame and fortune? SEE MORE
4. Settings.

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Select a setting and create your own story. After you select a setting, suggested vocabulary can be found at the bottom of the page where you type. [Best in IE] SEE MORE
5. Short Story Elements Jeopardy.

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Choose up to 16 teams to play this jeopardy style game. SEE MORE
6. Story Element Quiz.

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Play these concentration, matching, and flashcard games to review the definitions. SEE MORE
7. Story Elements Questions.

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You can create printable tests and worksheets from these Grade 7 Story Elements questions! SEE MORE
8. Story Elements Wheel of Fortune Game: Plot Structure Quiz for Kids.

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This story elements wheel of fortune quiz practices the plot structure of stories. SEE MORE
9. Story Map.

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The Story Map interactive is designed to assist students in prewriting and postreading activities by focusing on the key elements of character, setting, conflict, and resolution. SEE MORE
10. The Hero's Journey (Inquiry & Analysis).

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This interactive tool will provide students with background on the hero's journey and give them a chance to explore several of the journey's key elements. Students can use the tool to record examples from a hero's journey they have read or viewed or to plan out a hero's journey of their own. SEE MORE
11. Trading Card Creator.

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Enter a topic and choose the type of card: fictional person, real person, fictional place, real place, physical object, event, abstract concept, or create your own. Complete the information to create the card. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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