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3rd Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Word Problems - CCSS 3.OA.D.8

Links verified on 10/26/2022

1. Best Math Friends - Online Word Problem Game.

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It’s not Facebook, It’s not MySpace, it’s BMF, Best Math Friends. Friend as many animated animals as you can by answering their word problems. Problems are narrated and students are provided a calculator and work space if needed. See if you can friend all 25 ! The program gives immediate feedback but students have unlimited chances to answer each problem.  SEE MORE
2. Division Word Problems.

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Self checking and provides explanations for the answers. Free from IXL Learning, but has a daily limit on usage if not a member.  SEE MORE
3. Dragon Bite - Division Word Problems.

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This game practices division word problem which is an essential mental math skill. This dragon game helps children review division word problems without remainders.  SEE MORE
4. Mixed Operations Word Problems.

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Self checking and provides explanations for the answers. Free from IXL Learning, but has a daily limit on usage if not a member.  SEE MORE
5. Multi-Step Word Problems.

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Self checking and provides explanations for the answers. Free from IXL Learning, but has a daily limit on usage if not a member.  SEE MORE
6. Parade of Legs.

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Great lesson to introduce word problems to the class. Strategies and solutions are given. SEE MORE
7. Place Value Word Problems.

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Self checking and provides explanations for the answers. Free from IXL Learning, but has a daily limit on usage if not a member.  SEE MORE
8. Thinking Blocks.

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Solve multi-step word problems. Includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, ratio and proportion models SEE MORE
9. Word Problem Database.

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Hundreds of self-checking math word problems for students in grades 1-6. There are currently 675 word problems available.  SEE MORE
10. Word Problem Practice.

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Easy to difficult Math word problems and math exercises including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and arithmetic problems. Knowledge of 1-2 digit numbers required. Great for students having difficulties in solving word problems. This site also has word problems for first and second graders to use for students. SEE MORE
11. Word Problems Quiz #1.

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Use addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division to solve these word problems. The skills covered are patterns, number concepts, and probability. Online quizzes that are self checking.  SEE MORE
12. Word Problems Quiz #2.

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Use addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division to solve these word problems. The skills covered are patterns, number concepts, and probability. Online quizzes that are self checking.  SEE MORE
13. Word Problems.

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Word Problems from iknowit.com (Addition, Subtraction, Basic Multiplication & Divsion) SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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