a site for teachers | a PowerPoint show | Adobe Acrobat document | a Word document sound | video format | interactive lesson | a quiz | lesson plan | to print
(1) Purposes - The student listens actively and purposefully in a variety
of settings.
(A) determine the purposes for listening such as to gain information,
to solve problems, or to enjoy and appreciate
(B) eliminate barriers to
effective listening
(C) understand
the major ideas and supporting evidence in spoken messages
(2) Critical Listening - The student listens critically to analyze and evaluate
a speaker's message(s).
(A) interpret speakers' messages (both verbal and nonverbal), purposes,
and perspectives
(B) identify
and analyze a speaker's persuasive techniques such as promises, dares, and flattery
(C) distinguish
between the speaker's opinion and verifiable fact
(D) monitor his/her own understanding
of the spoken message and seek clarification as needed
(3) Appreciation - The student listens, enjoys, and appreciates spoken language.
(A) listen
to proficient, fluent models of oral reading, including selections from classic
and contemporary works
Lounge -"Three children's books are animated online, with readings and/or
introductions by a variety of players and Spike Lee. Students love to see their
favorite Knicks players read aloud to them, and they can also read along with
the narrator in the captioned version"
Builder - Gather up acts for a three-ring circus by finding matching vowel
sounds. Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the given word. (rhyming
Devices - a classroom sign about the forms of poetic devices
to Alpine Ski Lodge - For each given word, you will be given a list of three
words and asked to select the one with the same vowel sound as the letter pair
(in red) in the given word. (rhyming words)
(C) assess how language
choice and delivery affect the tone of the message
(4) Culture
- The student listens and speaks both to gain and share knowledge of his/her own
culture, the culture of others, and the common elements of cultures.
(A) connect his/her
own experiences, information, insights, and ideas with those of others through
speaking and listening
(B) compare
oral traditions across regions and cultures
(6) Word Identification - The student uses a variety of word recognition
(A) apply knowledge of letter-sound correspondences, language structure,
and context to recognize words
Clues - click on Number 13 - Video Lesson and Interactive Quiz
Clues - teacher lesson and blackline masters to print
Clues - [this link opens in a new window] Quia
Clues 2 - select correct meaning of the word from context clues
Definition Context Clues - A lesson in remembering which clue words help interpret
the text. Seven key words are introduced and examples are shown of each to clarify
what to look for when dealing with context clues. A very good review lesson for
3rd and up.
Context Clues Teaching Material - [click on a red
dot] Here you will find a review lesson and worksheets to go along with
the lesson as well as flash cards to review clue words that will help in interpreting
Context Clues - Some students get upset when the teacher states, "The answer
is right there!" This site reviews how clues appear where the meaning is hidden
in the rest of the words in the sentence. An brief interactive quiz helps assure
(B) use structural analysis
to identify root words with prefixes such as dis-, non-, in- suffixes such as
-ness, -tion, -able
Tanks - [this link opens in a new window] Fill
a tank with tropical fish using prefixes, roots, and suffixes.
Jeopardy using the following as categories: Antonyms, Parts of Speech,
Analogy, Synonyms, and Root Words
Mix - working with "Pre" and "Post," prefixes with opposite
Words - Underline the root words in the slides. Circle the prefix or
suffix. (a show created by Connie Campbell)
Out Words - Help Remainder the Dog gather enough mushrooms to sell at the
market by uncovering the roots of words. (three categories, several difficulty
levels - from FunBrain)
- Level 1 | Level
2 | Level 3 - studying
the roots/cells: cess/ced, cept/cip and cur
Weekly Root - Three Rootonym® puzzles per week with 4 words per puzzle
Station - [this link opens in a new window] Build
a space station by using word study skills - Divide the word in blue into syllables
and enter it into the box with a '-' between the syllables. Example: fi-nal
The Synonym Game - [this link opens on a new page]
click to select the letters (one at a time) that spell the proper synonym. (Author
- David Fisco)
Thesaurus - a reference book that lists words and their synonyms - Drag and
drop the words to the right thesaurus entry.
Central (from Merriam-Webster) - a customizable dictionary and a daily buzz
- This site says that it is the web's most authoritative and comprehensive language
(7) Fluency - The student reads with fluency and understanding
in texts at appropriate difficulty levels.
(A) read regularly in independent-level materials (texts in which
no more than approximately 1 in 20 words is difficult for the reader)
(B) read regularly in
instructional-level materials that are challenging but manageable (texts in which
no more than approximately 1 in 10 words is difficult for the reader; a "typical"
fourth grader reads approximately 90 wpm)
(C) demonstrate
characteristics of fluent and effective reading
(D) adjust reading rate based
on purposes for reading
(E) read
aloud in selected texts in ways that both reflect understanding of the text and
engage the listeners
(F) read
silently with increasing ease for longer periods
(8) Variety
of Texts - The student reads widely for different purposes in varied sources.
Quiz Archive - over 50 news stories from the BBC - Choose carefully, not all
of these would be appropriate for 4th grade students. Also, take a look at a section
of stories which include math in the news and the quiz
(C) read for varied
purposes such as to be informed, to be entertained, to appreciate the writer's
craft, and to discover models for his/her own writing
(9) Vocabulary Development - The student acquires an extensive vocabulary
through reading and systematic word study.
(A) develop vocabulary by listening to selections read aloud
Lounge -"Three children's books are animated online, with readings and/or
introductions by a variety of players and Spike Lee. Students love to see their
favorite Knicks players read aloud to them, and they can also read along with
the narrator in the captioned version"
The Synonym Game - [this link opens on a new page]
click to select the letters (one at a time) that spell the proper synonym. (Author
- David Fisco)
Thesaurus - a reference book that lists words and their synonyms - Drag and
drop the words to the right thesaurus entry.
Central from Merriam Webster - a customizable dictionary and a daily buzz
- This site says that it is the web's most authoritative and comprehensive language
(D) determine
meanings of derivatives by applying knowledge of the meanings of root words such
as like, pay, or happy and affixes such as dis-, pre-, un-
Tanks - Fill a tank with tropical fish using prefixes, roots, and suffixes.
Jeopardy using the following as categories: Antonyms, Parts of Speech,
Analogy, Synonyms, and Root Words
Mix - working with "Pre" and "Post," prefixes with opposite
Words - Underline the root words in the slides. Circle the prefix or
suffix. (a show created by Connie Campbell)
Out Words - Help Remainder the Dog gather enough mushrooms to sell at the
market by uncovering the roots of words. (three categories, several difficulty
levels - from FunBrain)
- Level 1 | Level
2 | Level 3 - studying
the roots/cells: cess/ced, cept/cip and cur.
Weekly Root - Three Rootonym® puzzles per week with 4 words per puzzle
Station - Build a space station by using word study skills - Divide the word
in blue into syllables and enter it into the box with a '-' between the syllables.
Example: fi-nal
a Root? - In this lesson, you'll work with five roots. Once you know a few
roots, you'll see them everywhere.
a Root? (2) - In this lesson, you'll work with five more roots.
(E) study word meanings
systematically such as across curricular content areas and through current events
(10) Comprehension - The student comprehends selections using a
variety of strategies.
(A) use his/her own knowledge and experience to comprehend
(B) establish and adjust
purposes for reading such as reading to find out, to understand, to interpret,
to enjoy, and to solve problems
(C) monitor
his/her own comprehension and make modifications when understanding breaks down
such as by rereading a portion aloud, using reference aids, searching for clues,
and asking questions
(D) describe
mental images that text descriptions evoke
(E) use
the text's structure or progression of ideas such as cause and effect or chronology
to locate and recall information
Writing Challenges Students - The cause-and-effect relationship is both a
way of thinking and a format for writing. Teachers who emphasize cause-and-effect
writing say that they are helping students learn to think critically as well as
write cogently. Read what three experienced teachers have to say about this teaching
approach, which can be used with students of all ages. This is an article from
Education World magazine.
(F) determine
a text's main (or major) ideas and how those ideas are supported with details
Idea - The main idea of a paragraph is what all the sentences are about. Read
the paragraph and ask, “What’s your point?”
Tests for Educator Licensure - Challenge your students by letting them practice
using a reading comprehension test designed for prospective teachers. (This
site recommends that you use a printed copy of the page)
Comprehension - free reading comprehension worksheets for teachers and parents
- includes original stories, poems, essays, and articles
Headlines - students read eight headlines and try to determine what the article
is about
as You Read - When you summarize, eliminate unnecessary details. Focus on
the main idea of the whole passage.
the Big Idea - solve a riddle by answering questions about the main idea
the Big Idea? Exercise 1 - Write the common subject for each group of words,
or "write a good title for each list." - a worksheet to print, not interactive
the Big Idea? Exercise 2 - Write the common subject for each group of words,
or "write a good title for each list." - a worksheet to print, not interactive
the Big Idea? Exercise 3 - a bit harder than 1 & 2 - Write the common
subject for each group of words, or "write a good title for each list."
Then add another example that could be included in that group. Be as specific
as you can. - a worksheet to print, not interactive
(G) paraphrase and summarize
text to recall, inform, and organize ideas
as You Read - When you summarize, eliminate unnecessary details. Focus on
the main idea of the whole passage.
(H) draw
inferences such as conclusions or generalizations and support them with text evidence
and experience
Conclusions - Read the story and choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
or Opinion Quiz - Decide which of these statements are fact or opinion from
the drop-down list, then click on the "Finished" button to obtain your
score out of ten.
(K) answer different
types and levels of questions such as open-ended, literal, and interpretative
as well as test-like questions such as multiple choice, true-false, and short
Test - (This quiz opens in a new page. Close the page when finished
to return to this list.) 12 questions - Students should use the summary page
after finishing this test to practice their areas of weakness.
context clue - Build corrals for cows by reading and answering questions.
The Idea - [this link opens on a new page] read
text to determine the main idea or essential message and identify relevant supporting
details and facts (Author - Lois Davis)
Grade Reading - Read the introduction and the passage that follows. Then read
each question and mark the circle next to the correct answer.
(12) Text
Structures/Literary Concepts - The student analyzes the characteristics of various
types of texts (genres).
(A) judge the internal consistency or logic of stories and texts
such as "Would this character do this?"; "Does this make sense
(B) recognize
that authors organize information in specific ways
(C) identify the purposes
of different types of texts such as to inform, influence, express, or entertain
A PBS Program - Lessons such as "Be an Adbuster!" and "What
are Advertisers Selling?" are based on Affluenza, a one-hour television special
that explores the high social and environmental costs of materialism and over
consumption. The lessons can be used without the video.
Political Ads - Students will view current political ads and learn how they
make use of various commercial ad appeals. Students will also develop familiarity
with basic videography terms.
Types of Text - Do you understand the purpose of different text types and
the main differences between them? Online quizzes
for a Purpose - Nine activities to check understanding about the purposes
of different sorts of text
assignment - Invent an X-ray satellite, name it, draw a picture of it. Write
a one- to two-page persuasion letter addressed to your Congressperson or
essay for your local newspaper in order to obtain funding for your X-ray astronomy
Types- Online game helping learn about the different text types such as persuasion,
informative, descriptive, or instructive.
to Persuade - Persuasion means making someone with a different point of view
from your own change their mind to your way of thinking.
(D) recognize the distinguishing
features of genres, including biography, historical fiction, informational texts,
and poetry
(E) compare
communication in different forms such as contrasting a dramatic performance with
a print version of the same story or comparing story variants
(F) understand and identify
literary terms such as title, author, illustrator, playwright, theater, stage,
act, dialogue, and scene across a variety of literary forms (texts)
(G) understand literary
forms by recognizing and distinguishing among such types of text as stories, poems,
myths, fables, tall tales, limericks, plays, biographies, and autobiographies
(H) analyze characters,
including their traits, motivations, conflicts, points of view, relationships,
and changes they undergo
of View - All writing involves Point of View. This aspect means the writer
has chosen, based on his/her analysis of the reader(s) and writing situation,
a speaker for the ideas presented in the letter, memo, or report. Point of View
concerns who is explaining or arguing, and its most important rule involves consistency.
of Point of View - All literature must be narrated or recorded by someone,
and an author must decide who that someone will be.
(J) describe how the
author's perspective or point of view affects the text
of View - All writing involves Point of View. This aspect means the writer
has chosen, based on his/her analysis of the reader(s) and writing situation,
a speaker for the ideas presented in the letter, memo, or report. Point of View
concerns who is explaining or arguing, and its most important rule involves consistency.
of Point of View - All literature must be narrated or recorded by someone,
and an author must decide who that someone will be.
Quiz Archive - over 50 news stories from the BBC - Choose carefully, not all
of these would be appropriate for 4th grade students. Also, take a look at a section
of stories which include math in the news and the quiz
All About It! - Newspapers are divided into standard sections. Students use
sections to predict where types of stories would be found
Headlines - students read eight headlines and try to determine what the article
is about
Notes - students evaluate what items should be included in the opening paragraph
of a news story
(C) use
multiple sources, including electronic texts, experts, and print resources, to
locate information relevant to research questions
(D) interpret and use graphic
sources of information such as maps, graphs, timelines, tables, and diagrams to
address research questions
Charts and Graphs
a Data Chart - students practice by answering questions about what can be
found in a grid chart
(15) Purposes - The student writes for a variety of audiences and
purposes, and in a variety of forms.
(A) write to express, discover, record, develop, reflect on ideas,
and to problem solve
Text - Use the Types of Expository Text box as project idea starters. There
is also a discussion of the seven basic structures of expository text.
Writing - Eight different examples of expository organizational patterns
Essays - Some things to consider when writing expository essays.
Writing Tips! - The information was taken from "Blowing Away the State
Writing Assessment Test" by Jane Bell Kiester available through Maupin House
Have Web, Will Travel - In this lesson, students demonstrate their Web research
and persuasive writing skills to create colorful, informative Web travel guides
to popular vacation destinations.
are They Selling It? - students read three advertisements and evaluate the
type of persuasive writing being employed
Power of Persuasion - a WebQuest that challenges your students to investigate
persuasive writing and develop critical reading skills
for a Purpose - Nine activities to check understanding about the purposes
of different sorts of text
assignment - Invent an X-ray satellite, name it, draw a picture of it. Write
a one- to two-page persuasion letter addressed to your Congressperson or
essay for your local newspaper in order to obtain funding for your X-ray astronomy
Writing Workshop - You already spend a lot of time trying to persuade your
parents or teachers to allow you to watch more TV or do less homework. Now you
can use those same skills to write a persuasive essay!
Gears - Lesson - students will write a personal narrative that is designed
to help them reflect on the nature and meaning of change in their lives
(E) exhibit an identifiable
voice in personal narratives and in stories
Rhyme Expansion - Nursery Rhymes can be wonderful springboards for all kinds
of Language Arts activities. Here is an activity designed to give middle school
students practice with the aspects of purpose, voice, and audience in their writing.
(F) choose the appropriate
form for his/her own purpose for writing, including journals, letters, reviews,
poems, narratives, and instructions
Writing? (6-8) [this link opens
on a new page] Students choose an appropriate format for writing. (Author
- Carol Rine)
(16) Penmanship/Capitalization/Punctuation - The student composes original
texts, applying the conventions of written language such as capitalization, punctuation,
and penmanship to communicate clearly.
(A) write legibly by selecting cursive or manuscript as appropriate
(B) capitalize
and punctuate correctly to clarify and enhance meaning such as capitalizing titles,
using possessives, commas in a series, commas in direct address, and sentence
(A) write with
accurate spelling of syllable constructions, including closed, open, consonant
before -le, and syllable boundary patterns
(B) write with accurate spelling
of roots such as drink, speak, read, or happy, inflections such as those that
change tense or number, suffixes such as -able or -less, and prefixes such as
re- or un-
Castle - Prefixes hold the key to building the castle and making it light
Tanks - [this link opens on a new page] Fill a
tank with tropical fish using prefixes, roots, and suffixes.
- Form a flock of flamingos with suffixes -y and -ly.
Jeopardy using the following as categories: Antonyms, Parts of Speech,
Analogy, Synonyms, and Root Words
Words - Underline the root words in the slides. Circle the prefix or
suffix. (a PowerPoint show created by Connie Campbell)
Out Words - Help Remainder the Dog gather enough mushrooms to sell at the
market by uncovering the roots of words. (three categories, several difficulty
levels - from FunBrain)
- [this link opens on a new page] use simple strategies
to determine meaning and increase vocabulary for reading, including the use of
suffixes. (Author - Lois Davis)
Prefixes - interactive lesson and quiz [frequent
technical difficulties]
(E) use prepositional
phrases to elaborate written ideas
at the Crossword I - Type the correct letter in each box. Use the tab key
to move from box to box or use your mouse-button to place the letter in each box.
at the Crossword II - Type the correct letter in each box. Use the tab key
to move from box to box or use your mouse-button to place the letter in each box.
at the Crossword III - Type the correct letter in each box. Use the tab key
to move from box to box or use your mouse-button to place the letter in each box.
Prepositions - The following paragraph is taken from Ernest Hemingway's short
story "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber." Click on the prepositions
in the order in which they appear and they will appear in the text-area below
the paragraph.
Quiz II - Combine the sentences using the conjunction given in parentheses.
Popup - [this link opens in a new window] Find
the correct conjunction form to combine two short sentences together into one!
(a Quia quiz)
- Conjunctions are words used as joiners. Different kinds of conjunctions join
different kinds of grammatical structures.
Need to Combine Sentences - Sentences have to be combined to avoid the monotony
that would surely result if all sentences were brief and of equal length. This
lesson is followed by three quizzes.
and Possessive Nouns - By clicking on a bubble, identify whether the highlighted
word is a plural or possessive noun and then click on the "Submit Answer"
Agreement - [this link opens in a new window]
This tutorial will help you accomplish the following learning objectives: define
and understand pronoun agreement, choose pronouns that agree with their antecedents
in number, person, and gender and check and apply your skills.
Case - The case of some pronouns depends on their function in sentences or
clauses. This lesson is followed by an interactive quiz.
Case - Brought to you by the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Paragraph Coherence Exercise
- identify a potential topic sentence for the paragraph, identify what information
presented in the paragraph is irrelevant, and then arrange what relevant information
is left into a more coherent, well-structured paragraph
Coherence - Coherence in a paragraph is the technique of making words, phrases,
and sentences move smoothly and logically from one to the other
Need to Combine Sentences - Sentences have to be combined to avoid the monotony
that would surely result if all sentences were brief and of equal length. This
lesson is followed by three quizzes.
(D) revise drafts for
coherence, progression, and logical support of ideas
(E) edit drafts for
specific purposes such as to ensure standard usage, varied sentence structure,
and appropriate word choice
(F) use
available technology to support aspects of creating, revising, editing, and publishing
(G) refine
selected pieces frequently to "publish" for general and specific audiences
(H) proofread
his/her own writing and that of others
Proofreading - Choose 4th grade then select any one of the practice exercises.
(I) select and use reference
materials and resources as needed for writing, revising, and editing final drafts
The ABC's of
Web Site Evaluation (presented by Kathy Schrock) - Evaluation of Web sites
is an important skill to learn in this age of digital and information literacy.
Students and teachers need practice in critically examining sites to determine
authority, authenticity, and applicability to purpose. This site provides that
Evaluation of Resources - In the research process you will encounter many
types of resources including books, articles and web sites. But not everything
you find on your topic will be suitable. How do you make sense of what is out
there and evaluate its authority and appropriateness for your research?
Notes - students evaluate what items should be included in the opening paragraph
of a news story
(C) take notes from
relevant and authoritative sources such as guest speakers, periodicals, and on-line
ABC's of Web Site Evaluation (presented by Kathy Schrock) - Evaluation of
Web sites is an important skill to learn in this age of digital and information
literacy. Students and teachers need practice in critically examining sites to
determine authority, authenticity, and applicability to purpose. This site provides
that practice.
Evaluation of Resources - In the research process you will encounter many
types of resources including books, articles and web sites. But not everything
you find on your topic will be suitable. How do you make sense of what is out
there and evaluate its authority and appropriateness for your research?
(23) Interpretation - The student understands and interprets visual
images, messages, and meanings.
(A) describe how illustrators' choice of style, elements, and media
help to represent or extend the text's meanings
(B) interpret important
events and ideas gathered from maps, charts, graphics, video segments, or technology
(C) use
media to compare ideas and points of view
Picture Tells a Story - (K-4) These activities
are designed to create a sense of disequilibrium in the visual perception of students
to make them aware of different ways to to view a picture. The students will view
the images, decide what they see in each, record their ideas, and write a story
based upon these findings.
Learning to Look - What's
wrong with this picture? Ask your students to examine a 1942 mural to try to determine
what's not right about the image.
to Look - An Introduction - In this activity your students will be examining
an object closely, forming some guesses about it, and then learning more to find
out if they were right. A worksheet
to print is also provided.
(24) Analysis - The student analyzes and critiques the significance
of visual images, messages, and meanings.
(A) interpret and evaluate the various ways visual image makers
such as graphic artists, illustrators, and news photographers represent meanings
Miller's Light Walk - Artist Bob Miller's "Light Walk" at the Exploratorium
is always an eye-opening experience for students and teachers alike. His unique
discoveries will change the way you look at light, shadow, and images
(B) compare and contrast
print, visual, and electronic media such as film with written story
(25) Production - The student produces visual images, messages, and
meanings that communicate with others.
(A) select, organize, or produce visuals to complement and extend
(B) produce
communications using technology or appropriate media such as developing a class
newspaper, multimedia reports, or video reports
Dog - A free software program to be downloaded into your personal machine.
A Full curriculum software reading program for pre-K through 2nd grade. For PC
and Macintosh, this program comes in 3 levels of standards-based reading lessons
that are fun for your child. Select the Basic Download. return to the top of the page
Return to Grade Level Skills
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is a collaborative project developed by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles