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Standards listed on this page are from Texas Science Knowledge & Skills - 4th Grade
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Scientific Processes | Science Concepts
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Page last edited 4/11/2009
A resource for the teacher to use in planning their lessons a site for teachers | A PowerPoint show related to this standard a PowerPoint show | An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format Adobe Acrobat document | A Microsoft Word document to be downloaded a Word document
This resource includes voice instructions for students sound | A video is available through this link video format
| Interactive interactive lesson | This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding a quiz | A lesson plan can be found at this site lesson plan | This link includes something for the teacher to print to print

Scientific Processes
(Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills)
Internet Resources
(1)   The student conducts field and laboratory investigations following home and school safety procedures and environmentally appropriate and ethical practices.

(A)  demonstrate safe practices during field and laboratory investigations

  1. Create A Safe, Efficient, Inquiry-Based Science Classroom - a 23 slide show written for teachers
  2. Practicing Safe Science in the Classroom: The Eyes Have It - page 4 includes instructions for a simulated "acid in the eye" accident This is an Adobe Acrobat document
  3. Safe Science - recommendations to parents, but they make sense for classroom teachers also
  4. Science Safety Manual - a publication for Maryland Public Schools
(B)  make wise choices in the use and conservation of resources and the disposal or recycling of materials
  1. Characteristics of Materials - test a variety of materials to determine their properties and then go to a workshop to decide how each could best be used Interactive
  2. Dr. E's Energy Lab - explore variouys types of renewable energy
  3. Energy History - Did you know that fossil fuels started to form way before dinosaur times?
  4. Environmental Kids Page - from the Environmental Protection Agency
    1. Visit Recycle City (formerly known as Dumptown)
  5. Hog Busters Training Camp - learn how to defeat Energy Hogs and become an official Hog Buster Interactive
  6. How bad is the air you breathe? Learn how the air becomes dirty. (a quiz is included) Interactive
  7. Learn about pesticides. Are they good? What are they used for? (a quiz is included) Interactive
  8. Make Waves: How Kids Can Protect the Earth, One Ripple at a Time - from the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council)
  9. Recycling - from the Energy Kid's page
  10. Sources of Energy - energy facts abour renewable and non-renewable energy sources
  11. Take a test about how you use water! Twenty five questions that will help you be a better user of water. Interactive
  12. The Green Squad: Kids Taking Action for Greener, Healthier Schools - take a tour of a school and spot various problem areas, then go to the library for many fact sheets Interactive
  13. What is a hazardous waste? How does garbage effect you? (a quiz is included) Interactive
  14. What's Wrong With This Picture?!? - Click on the spots where you think someone is doing something wrong for a surprise. Interactive
(2)   The student uses scientific inquiry methods during field and laboratory investigations.

(A)  plan and implement descriptive investigations including asking well-defined questions, formulating testable hypotheses, and selecting and using equipment and technology

  1. Collecting and Analyzing Safety Data - a 75 minute lab with an excellent table on page 22 listing the five leading causes of death, broken down by age range This is an Adobe Acrobat document
  2. Formatting Hypotheses - information to help your students get a handle on this process skill
  3. Labs With Hypotheses - three sample labs
  4. Linking Conclusions to Hypotheses - examples from a biology lab
  5. Reasoning in Science - a basic introduction to the scientific method from Biology4Kids
  6. Sample Hypotheses (dependent and independent variables identified)
    1. Biology
    2. Earth & Physical Science
  7. Test Your Hypothesis - Read Jenna's Diary in this exceprt from the science fair toolkit to see an example of designing an experiment with a testable hypothesis.
  8. Towel Testing - the purpose of this lab is to practice the skills used to design experiments This is an Adobe Acrobat document
  9. Writing Hypotheses - a student lesson
(B)  collect information by observing and measuring
  1. Characteristics of Materials - interactive quiz from the BBC Interactive
  2. Classify organisms in this interactive quiz from the BBC (birds, insects, mammals, or plants) Interactive
  3. Forces in Action, an interactive site from BBC, allows students to investigate factors that affect the speed of a truck, and how far it will travel. After they finish, there is a quiz. Interactive
(C)  analyze and interpret information to construct reasonable explanations from direct and indirect evidence
  1. Experiment with a Pond Food Web - change various population sizes to see what affect the change produces Interactive
(D)  communicate valid conclusions
(E)  construct simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts to organize, examine, and evaluate information
  1. Bar Chart - students create a bar chart showing quantities or percentages by labeling columns and clicking on values Interactive
  2. Chances - a dice game that grows a column graph as the number of spins are simulated Interactive
  3. Data Picking - click on each student to collect data and then select a chart or graph that matches the data Interactive
  4. Interpreting Data Activity - click on each child to collect information, total the tally marks and create a chart Interactive
  5. Interpreting Data - an index of topics including bar and pie charts, pictograms and line graphs
    1. Interpreting Data Quiz - to be used following the above set of pages
  6. Pie Chart – [this link opens on a new page] explore percentages and fractions using pie charts Interactive
  7. Spinners - select record results before starting and see a column graph created as you spin
(3)   The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions.

(A)  analyze, review, and critique scientific explanations, including hypotheses and theories, as to their strengths and weaknesses using scientific evidence and information

  1. Energy Fair: Scientific Method - A guide to teaching students the scientific method using the experimental design model with an emphasis on energy science fair projects This is an Adobe Acrobat document
(B)  draw inferences based on information related to promotional materials for products and services
(C)  represent the natural world using models and identify their limitations
(D)  evaluate the impact of research on scientific thought, society, and the environment
(E)  connect Grade 4 science concepts with the history of science and contributions of scientists
(4)   The student knows how to use a variety of tools and methods to conduct science inquiry.

(A)  collect and analyze information using tools including calculators, safety goggles, microscopes, cameras, sound recorders, computers, hand lenses, rulers, thermometers, meter sticks, timing devices, balances, and compasses

  1. Identify Laboratory Devices - Look at the line-ups on the game screens and click on the laboratory device that fits the description. Interactive
(B)  demonstrate that repeated investigations may increase the reliability of results
  1. Chances - a dice game that allows you to see how increasing or decreasing the number of dice rolls effects an outcome Interactive
  2. Coin Flipping Page - repeat an experiment with larger number of coin flips to test this skill Interactive
  3. Heads I Win - (3-5) [this link opens on a new page] Students predict the likelihood of tossing heads or tails and graphs the results of coin tosses. (Author - Michaél Dunnivant)
  4. Lions and Tigers - [this link opens on a new page] Students predict the likelihood of a simple event (rolling a die) as a fraction. (Author - Michaél Dunnivant)
  5. Pin The Tail - [this link opens on a new page] Students use probability to predict and conduct experiments to test predictions. (Author - Michaél Dunnivant)
  6. Why Can't I Win? - [this link opens on a new page] Students use a spinner to predict the likelihood of simple events occurring. (Author - Sandi King)
  7. What Are My Chances - [this link opens on a new page] Students explore probability and ratios. (Author - Sandi King)

Science Concepts
(5)   The student knows that complex systems may not work if some parts are removed.

(A)  identify and describe the roles of some organisms in living systems such as plants in a schoolyard, and parts in nonliving systems such as a light bulb in a circuit

(B)  predict and draw conclusions about what happens when part of a system is removed
(6)   The student knows that change can create recognizable patterns.

(A)  identify patterns of change such as in weather, metamorphosis, and objects in the sky

  1. Climate - systems that play a role in determining climate
  2. Compare and contrast warm and cold fronts - excellent animations of each type of front
  3. Interactive map of the various types of climate features on the Earth's surface Interactive
  4. Introduction to Climate - Listing the general distinctions between weather and climate
  5. How to interpret a weather map
  6. Metamorphosis
    1. Dragonfly Lake - a PowerPoint game with slides to print to make a game board
    2. Insect Growth and metamorphosis - this page includes sample life cycle diagrams of each
    3. Insect Metamorphosis - discussion of each type is followed by insect web sites to visit for the purpose of determining which type of metamorphosis that insect undergoes
    4. Insects: Inside and Out - the end of this slide show discuses metamorphosis
  7. Reading Weather Maps - In the sections that follow, students will examine features to look for on weather maps to make a forecasts, general methods of preparing a forecast, and more specific tips for specific scenarios.
  8. Real-time data sources to use in weather forecasting projects
    1. Weather Underground - look up any city in the US and most cities around the world
    2. Intellicast Radar Loop of the last 2 hours covering the contiguous United States. This Doppler radar site indicates clouds, rain and snow with different colors, and refreshes 4 times per hour. They now offer a 12 hour java loop. More importantly, this loop allows you to step forward, or backward, one image at a time.
    3. National Forecast Maps from NOAA
    4. Conditions for the last 24 hours reported by the National Weather Service - Select State from the pull down menu, then select City
  9. Satellite Movies of Air Masses Moving across North America
  10. Tips for Forecasting the Weather - step-by-step process including links to real time weather data
  11. Weather Forecasting Using the University of Michigan Weather Underground
  12. Weather Quizzes - Weather Vocabulary Practice | Weather Multiple Choice | Atmosphere Vocabulary Practice
  13. What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate?
(B)  illustrate that certain characteristics of an object can remain constant even when the object is rotated like a spinning top, translated like a skater moving in a straight line, or reflected on a smooth surface
(C)  use reflections to verify that a natural object has symmetry
(7)   The student knows that matter has physical properties.

(A)  observe and record changes in the states of matter caused by the addition or reduction of heat

  1. Changing State - Use this interactive site from the BBC to investigate what causes water to change state. Take a quiz when you have finished. Interactive
  2. Matter in the Science Lab - Select Matter in the list of labs. The illustration names the physical state of objects. Next, click on Water Changes State near the top of the matter window. Hold down the blue button to lower the temperature of water to freezing, then hold down the red button till water boils. Click on the book in the bottom left corner to read about matter. Interactive
  3. Solids and Liquids - Investigate the effect of heat on a variety of objects, then take a quiz. Interactive
(B)  conduct tests, compare data, and draw conclusions about physical properties of matter including states of matter, conduction, density, and buoyancy
(8)   The student knows that adaptations may increase the survival of members of a species.

(A)  identify characteristics that allow members within a species to survive and reproduce

(B)  compare adaptive characteristics of various species
  1. Physical Adaptation - We can see some of the results of physical adaptation by comparing the skeletons of different animals.
  2. Flamingos - Adaptations for Their Environment
(C)  identify the kinds of species that lived in the past and compare them to existing species
  1. Life Has a History - an educational module sponsored by the National Science Foundation (Level 1 for K-4, Level 2 for 5-12)
(9)  The student knows that many likenesses between offspring and parents are inherited or learned.

(A)  distinguish between inherited traits and learned characteristics

  1. Examples of Inherited Traits - good pictoral examples This is an Adobe Acrobat document
  2. Family Traits Worksheet - for use with a student project This is an Adobe Acrobat document
  3. Genetics: Inherited traits - a lesson plan
  4. The Gene Machine - answer questions about your traits and get a breakdown on your genes Interactive
  5. Inherited Traits - a lesson plan (designed for 6th grade) involving interview skills and use of MS Excel
  6. Inherited Traits Handout - to use with a class project This is an Adobe Acrobat document
  7. Inherited Traits Worksheet - scaffolding to assist with a student project
(B)  identify and provide examples of inherited traits and learned characteristics
(10)   The student knows that certain past events affect present and future events.

(A)  identify and observe effects of events that require time for changes to be noticeable including growth, erosion, dissolving, weathering, and flow

(B)  draw conclusions about "what happened before" using fossils or charts and tables
  1. Life Has a History - an educational module sponsored by the National Science Foundation (Level 1 for K-4, Level 2 for 5-12)
(11)   The student knows that the natural world includes earth materials and objects in the sky.

(A)  test properties of soils including texture, capacity to retain water, and ability to support life

(B)  summarize the effects of the oceans on land
(C)  identify the Sun as the major source of energy for the Earth and understand its role in the growth of plants, in the creation of winds, and in the water cycle
  1. Create a model of the water cycle
  2. Dr. E's Energy Lab - explore variouys types of renewable energy
  3. Follow a drop through the water cycle - water science for schools from USGS
  4. How You Can Make a Model of the Water Cycle - print this to give to your students This is an Adobe Acrobat document
  5. Water Cycle
  6. This is a PowerPoint showWater Cycle - a slide show by Soo Park, Alex Reynolds, Kate Schmidt, Connie Woo, and Christine Zackrison
  7. Water Cycle - US Geological Survey's Water Cycle - one of the most complete explanation of the cycle
  8. Water Cycle Animation - Observe a raindrop traveling through various paths of the water cycle. In this visualization, the blue raindrop shows where water is. The red arrows show the processes that could move it to another place. Interactive
  9. Water Cycle Animation - from BBC Interactive
  10. Water Cycle Animation - make changes to the image by selecting buttons on the left - from EarthGuide Interactive
  11. The Water Cycle Lesson Plan - five activities in one
  12. Water Science - US Geological Survey's (USGS) Water Science for Schools web site! They offer information on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center where you can give opinions and test your water knowledge.
  13. The Watershed Game - Many things happen in a watershed that affect the quality of the water we rely upon . Examine the issues in each area of the watershed, then see the impacts of your choices. Interactive
  14. Water Wizard quizzes - Do you have a fountain of knowledge when it comes to water? Well, dive right in and test your knowledge of water with these Water Wizard quizzes. Interactive
  15. Weather in the Science Lab - Select Weather in the list of labs. The illustration shows a water cycle. Move your cursor around the image for more information. Click on The Weather Maker near the top of the weather window. Set the temperature of two air masses and the relative humidity, and then see what weather develops. Click on the book in the bottom left corner to read about weather. Interactive

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Rocks and Soil - Investigate the relationship between rocks and soil
Use this BBC quiz to determine whether items are waterproof or not.
Select which items give out light - a BBC interactive quiz