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Standards listed on this page are from TexasScience Knowledge & Skills - Kindergarten
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Scientific Processes | Science Concepts
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Page last edited 5/8/2009
A resource for the teacher to use in planning their lessons a site for teachers | A PowerPoint show related to this standard a PowerPoint show | An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format Adobe Acrobat document | A Microsoft Word document to be downloaded a Word document
This resource includes voice instructions for students sound | A video is available through this link video format
| Interactive interactive lesson | This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding a quiz | A lesson plan can be found at this site lesson plan | This link includes something for the teacher to print to print
Scientific Processes
(Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills)
Internet Resources
(1)  The student participates in classroom and field investigations following home and school safety procedures.

(A)  demonstrate safe practices during classroom and field investigations

  1. Create A Safe, Efficient, Inquiry-Based Science Classroom - a 23 slide show written for teachers
  2. Practicing Safe Science in the Classroom: The Eyes Have It - page 4 includes instructions for a simulated "acid in the eye" accident This is an Adobe Acrobat document
  3. Safe Science - recommendations to parents, but they make sense for classroom teachers also
  4. Science Safety Manual - a publication for Maryland Public Schools
(B)  learn how to use and conserve resources and materials
  1. Identifying Natural and Manmade Resources - In this unit (consisting of three lessons) students will explore needs and wants and how they relate to natural and manmade resources.
(2)  The student develops abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry in the field and the classroom.

(A)  ask questions about organisms, objects, and events

  1. Penguins - An Internet activity resource for learning about penguins. Each section has a Read To Me button for audio. Interactive
  2. Sorting and Using Materials use this BBC site to determine whether items are waterproof or not. Interactive
(B)  plan and conduct simple descriptive investigations
  1. Pushes and Pulls - use a hard or soft push or pull to see how the toy horse moves Interactive
(C)  gather information using simple equipment and tools to extend the senses
  1. Forces and Movement - give the truck various pushes to see how the truck moves Interactive
  2. Select which items give out light - a BBC interactive quiz Interactive
  3. Sound and Hearing - experiment with sounds with this BBC quiz Interactive
(D)  construct reasonable explanations using information
(E)  communicate findings about simple investigations
(3)  The student knows that information and critical thinking are used in making decisions.

(A)  make decisions using information

  1. Clothes - [this link opens in a new window] story will read itself to your students
  2. Dress a Bear for the Weather - careful, he's fussy! (this activity asks students to make a judgment about weather based on a thermometer) this also works well for math Interactive
  3. Elmo's World Weather Game (Sesame Street) - Help Elmo dress for the weather. You choose the type of weather and then you dress Elmo. Interactive
  4. Help Bella the Bear Decide What to Wear - Help Bella the Bear make decisions about which clothing would be appropriate for the weather conditions. Interactive
  5. Match Animals to their Habitat - select one of the twelve habitats at Animal Universe and choose animals that live in that habitat (select Maybe Later on the registration screen) Interactive
  6. Snuffy's Safari (Sesame Street) - Students travel to one of three environments and search for animals that live there using Sunffy's binoculars. Interactive
  7. Weather - Help Bobingo dress for the weather. First you help him dress for winter weather and then you help him dress for a day at the beach. Interactive
  8. Zoe's Pet Shelter (Sesame Street) - Zoe has to group animals with similar characteristics. This will work best as a whole class activity. Caution! This game never ends! Interactive
(B)  discuss and justify the merits of decisions
  1. Clean Air for Kids - an EPA game to help you decide what types of days are best for outside play [unavailable on 5/26/07 - The EPA is working to "quickly restore full functionality."]
(C)  explain a problem in his/her own words and propose a solution

(4)  The student uses age-appropriate tools and models to verify that organisms and objects and parts of organisms and objects can be observed, described, and measured.

(A)  identify and use senses as tools of observation

  1. Christmas Bear and his Five Senses - [this link opens on a new page] Students teach Christmas Bear how to use his five senses to learn about his surroundings. (Author - Sandi King) Interactive
  2. Five Senses - A very complete online unit plan (bilingual - Spanish) that integrates all subject areas based around learning the 5 senses.
  3. Five Senses - Research sites, online activities, offline activities and more!
  4. Five Senses and Four Seasons Quilt - Students will help make a Five Senses and Four Seasons quilt and cinquain poem.
  5. The Senses - experiments and activities for kindergarten and above
(B)  make observations using tools including hand lenses, balances, cups, bowls, and computers

Science Concepts
(5) The student knows that organisms, objects, and events have properties and patterns.

(A)  describe properties of objects and characteristics of organisms

  1. The Farm - Visit several areas of the farm and notice the different types of things which live there. This is an excellent beginning site that teaches your students about the farm in addition to practicing beginning computer skills such as clicking once and using arrow keys. Interactive
(B)  observe and identify patterns including seasons, growth, and day and night and predict what happens next
  1. As the Earth Turns - [this link opens on a new page] Students learn that day and night are caused by the rotation of the Earth. (Author - Sandi King) Interactive
  2. Growth Pattern worksheet - students draw pictures in boxes to indicate stages of plant gtowth
  3. Man made landscape pictures - (whole class activity) View the pictures one at a time. Ask volunteers to classify the picture as day or nighttime and tell why.
  4. The Night Sky Live - best as a whole class activity - click on an asterisk on the map to see the night sky live from someplace around the world.
  5. Sunrise, Sunset - [this link opens on a new page] a story about what makes night and day Interactive
  6. What's in the Sky? - [this link opens on a new page] an online book which reads to your students
(C)  recognize and copy patterns seen in charts and graphs
  1. Bar Chart - students create a bar chart showing quantities or percentages by labeling columns and clicking on values Interactive
  2. Pie Chart – Explore percentages and fractions using pie charts Interactive
(6)  The student knows that systems have parts and are composed of organisms and objects.

(A)  sort organisms and objects into groups according to their parts and describe how the groups are formed

  1. Grouping Things - decide which animals in a group belong together Interactive
  2. Packing for the Park - [this link opens on a new page] Students group various objects using their physical characteristics. (Author - Sandi King) Interactive
  3. Zoe's Pet Shelter (Sesame Street) - Zoe has to group animals with similar characteristics. This will work best as a whole class activity. Caution! This game never ends! Interactive
(B)  record observations about parts of plants including leaves, roots, stems, and flowers
  1. Meet the Plant Parts - match the drawings with the name and make a salad Interactive
(C)  record observations about parts of animals including wings, feet, heads, and tails
  1. Animal Body Parts Flashcards - forty-five animal body parts cards in fifteen categories
  2. Animal Body Parts Flashcards - (a second source of cards to print) This is an Adobe Acrobat document
  3. Animal Body Parts Lesson Plan - card games and worksheet activities, includes sheets to print
(D)  identify parts that, when separated from the whole, may result in the part or the whole not working, such as cars without wheels and plants without roots
(E)  manipulate parts of objects such as toys, vehicles, or construction sets that, when put together, can do things they cannot do by themselves
  1. Alien Assembly - What do aliens look like? You decide. Use the parts to build your very own alien. Interactive
  2. Exploring Parts and Wholes - To explore how parts of something are related to the whole thing. (from Science NetLinks)
  3. Ready, Set, Let's Dough! It's a Matter of System - To allow students to discover that everyday substances are composed of parts that make a unique whole. ( from Science NetLinks)
(7)  The student knows that many types of change occur.

(A)  observe, describe, and record changes in size, mass, color, position, quantity, time, temperature, sound, and movement

(B)  identify that heat causes change, such as ice melting or the Sun warming the air and compare objects according to temperature
  1. Earth in Space workshop - This 28 page lesson focuses on the fact that the sun's energy heats the Earth. Some of the activities are appropriate for Kindergarten students. This is an Adobe Acrobat document
  2. How The Earth Heats The Atmosphere - students answer a simple question about a balloon to see proof that the sun heats the earth's surface Interactive

(C)  observe and record weather changes from day to day and over seasons

  1. Control the Weather - By clicking on different buttons, you decide what the weather will be that day. Interactive
  2. Eye on the Sky - the scientist (your student) is asked to enter weather observations. Based on the entries, a summary of conditions is compiled Interactive
  3. Seasonal Changes Lesson Plans From Scholastic - The activities in this theme unit take advantage of opportunities for students to practice observation and description skills, as well as extending students' experience into other curricular areas, such as language arts and art.
(D)  observe and record stages in the life cycle of organisms in their natural environment
(8)  The student knows the difference between living organisms and nonliving objects.

(A)  identify a particular organism or object as living or nonliving

  1. Ourselves - use this BBC site to investigate living and non-living Interactive
    1. Take a Quiz - after the Ourselves activity, try the short quiz
  2. Worksheet to reinforce the topic
(B)  group organisms and objects as living or nonliving
(9)  The student knows that living organisms have basic needs.

(A)  identify basic needs of living organisms

  1. Critter Craze - [this link opens on a new page] This lesson introduces the concepts of basic needs, grouping, and habitats. (Author - Laurie Ayers) Interactive
  2. Growing Plants - investigate what a plant needs for proper growth Interactive
(B)  give examples of how living organisms depend on each other
(C)  identify ways that the Earth can provide resources for life

(10)  The student knows that the natural world includes rocks, soil, and water.

(A)  observe and describe properties of rocks, soil, and water

(B)  give examples of ways that rocks, soil, and water are useful

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