
Links for K-12 Teachers | Assessment Assistance | On-Line Practice Modules | Daily Dose of the Web

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Links verified 4/14/08


Need help constructing a web page for your class? has a Homepage Maker that will allow you to include some neat features. Their listing of what is available may give you some good ideas about what to include in your page. When you are finished, sends you the source code by Email.  

General Web Page help

  1. Building a School Web Site by Wanda Wigglebits - a learn-as-you-go, hands-on project that teachers and kids can do together.
  2. Color for Web Pages
    1. 6X6X6 Color Palette Clickable Map. To find the hex code for a color on this page, move the mouse pointer until it is over the color you want. Then, look at the hex code on your status line at the bottom of the screen.
    2. ColorMaker - An interactive, online color selection tool that allows you to experiment with colors for text and links and see how they'll look on your background
    3. Colour selector - The page shows you the HTML you need to get those colours. You can change background and foreground colour and the colour for links, active links and followed links. (BTW - this is a UK page, so we used the uk spelling)
    4. Hex code color table from Icon Bazaar
    5. HTML Background Color Selector - Select a color from each menu or enter 6-digit Hex codes into the boxes. Then click on the PREVIEW button to see the color scheme.
    6. Hype's Color Specifier - The page says that the colors are for pages being viewed with Netscape, but they work in IE as well. Lots of Colors!
    7. HTML Color Table - Color swatches and their Hexadecimal Red Green Blue(RGB) values.
    8. Non-Dither Web Colors Chart - Each table represents a group of colors with similar luminosity and saturation. Each of the 6 rows in each table corresponds to a hue. That is, each row in the chart corresponds to 60 degrees around a color wheel
    9. VisiBone Webmaster's Color Lab - A color wheel that display the 216 browser safe colors. Click on a color to see a sample along with it's RGB and hex codes.
    10. ZSPC Super Color Chart - An online tool that allows you to play around with text and background color combinations to find one that you like.
  3. Creating Web Pages (Introductory Level) Theme Page - This page has links to two types of resources related to the study of Creating Web Pages. Students and teachers will find curricular resources to help them learn about this topic. In addition, there are also links to instructional materials (lesson plans) which will help teachers provide instruction in this theme
  4. Filamentality presents web page tutorials - If you want to just experiment with the "look and feel" of your web page, scan their list of lessons and use whichever you want
  5. School Web Page Templates:
    1. DeKalb County Schools
  6. Search the web for resources for your web page
    1. Sounds
    2. Clip Art Searcher
    3. Graphics Collections & more
    4. See a list of search engines
  7. Secrets of Searching the Web & Promoting Your Web site
  8. Teachers.Net Homepage Maker - Teachers - your Homepage is just a click away! Create powerful teacher homepages for free! See how easy it is to learn HTML and harness the internet to take your teaching to a new plateau. Utilize the power of Cyberspace to improve your curriculum.
  9. Top 10 Design Don'ts For The Third Generation Web Page Designer
  10. Tucows : the place to find Internet related software, best applications are rated five cows (go there just to see the cool rating system, stay to check out the great software)
  11. Web Developer's Virtual Library - Encyclopedia of Web Design tutorials, articles, and discussions.
  12. Web Worksheet Wizard - This web-based utility will allow you to create a lesson, worksheet or class page on the World Wide Web. All you need to use this utility is your browser and some time.

Web Page Hosting/Assistance

  1. Alfy - The Kids Portal Playhouse is intended for K-6 audiences. They provide free web pages to classroom teachers, and no knowledge of web page development is needed.
  2. Quia - Where teachers can create games, quizzes, and class pages. You can also see activities created by others. Thanks Marge!
  3. has a Homepage Maker that will allow you to include some neat features. Their listing of what is available may give you some good ideas about what to include in your page. When you are finished, sends you the source code by Email.  

Graphics for your web page

  1. Backgrounds
  2. Banner Generator - Choices galore!
  3. Cool Archive - Everything for your web page except your own text (although they do have fonts). The title of this page was made using their Logo Generator.
  4. Fonts to Download - from BlueVinyl. Free fonts to download to dress up your pages.
  5. Gifology - Understanding GIF Files & GIF Animation. A table of contents page
  6. Icon Bazaar contains a large variety of small image files to download
  7. Photoshop Tutorials from Pegasus Web Design Resources - If you have Adobe PhotoShop, open it up and follow along with one of these tutorials.
  8. SurWeb Image Collections
  9. Web Clip Art - a huge list of links pulled together by a guide from
  10. Web Graphics - This site contains links to assist educators in finding online web graphics to enhance their webs.
Need even more graphics links? I4C has an entire page devoted to graphics.

HTML stuff

  1. The Bare Bones Guide to HTML lists all the tags that current browsers are likely to recognize.
  2. HTML Help from Seekeasy - Suggestion from the page author: "If you are a complete HTML beginner you should start from the top and work your way down. If you are just looking for hints on a certain function, welcome. Help yourself to whatever information you find helpful."
  3. HTML Station
  4. Special characters - Do you have a yen (¥)to know how to make the cent character (¢), or the divided by character (÷)? Well, you can find it here.
  5. The Virtual Library of WWW Development - A comprehensive illustrated encyclopedia of web technology, The Web Developer's Virtual Library is a well-organized gold mine of tutorials, examples, and links to great resources. It's for webmasters and Internet developers who are creating web sites with HTML, CGI, Java, JavaScript, graphics, VRML, multimedia, animation, etc.
  6. Web Monkey: brush up on all things HTML - from links to font tags to frames

Java Script

  1. April's A1 Javascript™ Resources. April helps provide brains and beauty to any web site with functional javascript, and cool effects. She lists over 300 free cut and paste scripts!
  2. Code Beach - Many resources for java scripts with easy directions.
  3. Kristina's CGI Scripts: From Email Forms to Online Quiz and Chat Scripts!
  4. Java Boutique - Free Java applets, games, programming tutorials and downloads.
  5. has copy and paste scripts as well as tutorials
  6. JavaScript Source is an excellent JavaScript resource with tons of "copy and paste" JavaScript examples for your web pages. All for free!
  7. Java Universe from the Web Developer's Virtual Library is a visually stunning use of a script. Go there just to see the image or to find scripts. Whatever your reason, the visit will be well worth the time.
  8. offers canned scripts as well as tips and tricks.

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Internet4Classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles