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Assessment Test Resources for 6th Grade


Sixth Grade Tests to Print

Links verified on 07/10/2020

1. AIMS (Arizona) Sample Tests and Think-Thoughts.

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[41 pages] Reading and Mathematics multiple-choice questions (answers provided), the Writing test asks for pre-writing, rough draft, and final copy, no answer key provided for the Writing section. January 2011 An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format. SEE MORE
2. Alabama 2007: Grade Six Math.

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[112 page booklet] answers are provided at the end of each section. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.] SEE MORE
3. Alabama 2007: Grade Six Reading.

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[56 page booklet] a mix of multiple-choice and essay response questions, answers are provided [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.] SEE MORE
4. Brush Up for TerraNova.

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A printable practice TCAP tests for the subjects of math, language arts, and reading (with answer keys!). The language arts and reading tests are text only but the math test has excellent graphs and illustrations. Under the More Practice Tests area are Math and Science tests and answer keys, each has good graphs and illustrations.  SEE MORE
5. Catpin Bubble Test.

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Create and print out practice Bubble Test Sheets for your students. There are some larger bubble styles in the '500' section of the Teacher Submitted Graphics. These are perfect for younger students.  SEE MORE
6. FCAT Math: 2007.

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This 44 question test includes a large number of graphs and images to interpret || test book with answers. An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format. SEE MORE
7. FCAT Reading: Fall 2007.

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Six reading passages, 45 questions || test book with answers.  SEE MORE
8. New York State Testing Page.

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A comprehensive set of links to a variety of tests, including sixth grade math and english/language arts tests.  SEE MORE
9. NYSED English Language Arts Test.

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6th grade English/Language Arts tests from the years 2010 to 2006 plus scoring guides in .pdf format.  SEE MORE
10. NYSED Grade 6 Mathematics.

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New York State Education Department - 6th grade Math tests for the years 2010 to 2006 plus scoring guides in .pdf format.  SEE MORE
11. Online-Stopwatch.

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Free Countdown Timer - When a Stopwatch just will not do! This Online countdown is very easy to use - and like all other timers, it's totally free. A Simple, Fast Flash Countdown Timer always available when you need it. SEE MORE
12. Sixth Grade Practice Reading Test.

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Two stories to read, eight questions to answer for each story. This online test can be printed. SEE MORE
13. Test Prep: 6th Grade Math.

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EdHelper provides this forty question multiple choice math test to print. A bubble sheet is provided as well as an answer key.  SEE MORE
14. Virginia Released Tests.

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An index of released tests for multiple subjects from Spring 2015 to Spring 2011.  SEE MORE

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