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Test Resources from State Departments


Resources from State Departments of Education

Links verified on 08/18/2020

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1. Achievementinfo.com.

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(Math grades 4, 6, 8, & 10 - English grades 3, 4, 7, & 10) Learn MCAS Mathematics and English Language Arts! Four questions from the Math and/or a section of questions from the English MCAS tests for Grades 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10. No answers are given on these pages. These can be printed and worked on in groups or pairs.  SEE MORE
2. Colorado Student Assessment Program Released Tests.

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Math grades 3-4, 5-10, & 8th - Writing grades 3-10, 4th & 7th  SEE MORE
3. Delaware Department of Education Sample Questions.

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Grades 2-6 and 8, 10 and 11 (.pdf format) These are sample question booklets of test items that may be printed.  SEE MORE
4. Edinformatics.com.

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5. FCAT 2000 Sample Tests.

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Grades 4,8,10 reading; grades 5,8,10 math  SEE MORE
6. FCAT Released Tests and Questions.

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2006 and 2005 FCAT Released Tests - [grade 10, math] Answers also available. All files are in PDF format. SEE MORE
7. Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment Sysstem.

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MCAS Release of Spring 2007 Items [English & Math grades 3-8, History & Social Science grades 5 & 7, Science & Technology grades 5 & 8 (PDF documents) SEE MORE
8. MCAS Released Test Questions and Practice Tests.

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Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System - This page provides access to all the test questions on which student results are based. Answer keys provided. Also tests in Spanish lang provided. Grades 3-8, 9-10 SEE MORE
9. Michigan Department of Education released items.

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Elementary - English and Math grades 3-5, Science grade 5 (Fall 1999-2011) SEE MORE
10. Michigan Department of Education released items.

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High School - Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies, and Writing (1999-2011) Grade 9 SEE MORE
11. Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA's) Practice Tests.

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Grades 3-8, 10 and 11; Math and Reading; grade 5 Writing SEE MORE
12. New York State Education Dept All Subjects (3-5).

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(English, Math, Science, Social Studies) for Grades 3-5  SEE MORE
13. New York State Education Dept All Subjects (6-8).

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(English, Math, Science, Social Studies) for Grades 6-8 SEE MORE
14. New York State Education Dept All Subjects (High School).

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(English, Math, Science, Social Studies) for high school grades.  SEE MORE
15. North Carolina End of Grade Tests.

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Math and reading, grades 3-8, 10; Science 5 and 8. Reading examples are in PDF files. Math has interactive quiz and PDF format practice sheets. SEE MORE
16. Ohio Department of Education Testing.

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A comprehensive list of practice tests for Grades 3-8 on math, english, social studies, and science.  SEE MORE
17. TAKS Released Tests.

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An index of tests from the 2008-2009 school year all the way back to the 2002-2003 school year covering grades 3 through high school, Spanish language tests are available for grades 3 through 6.  SEE MORE
18. Texas Assessment Academic Skills Spring.

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The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR tests) are standardized tests taken by most Texas public school students in spring of each year during grades 3-12. TEA has now put all of the pieces for each test together in one chart on one web page.  SEE MORE

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