Are You Being the Best You Can Be
The other day I noticed my neighbor cutting his grass, but my hands were full, I was running to the car, plus his back was turned, so I decided not to attract attention or wave. Two days later I found out he had passed away of a very random heart attack. Typically we'd speak when I saw him outside, and the thought crossed my mind: "Man, I really should have said hello."
I realize this may be a morbid topic. But as the holidays begin to roll around, and our minds are cluttered with the economy, gifts, groceries, ample space for house guests, etc...let's stop and consider how we treated someone today. Are we doing all we can for our students; our neighbors?
It's easy to get caught in the grind. It's easy to think you can't make a difference because you don't have enough money or time. But there are small things that can make big impacts.
- Invite a neighbor over for lunch or dinner OR organize a neighborhood potluck.
- Drop off canned goods at your local food pantry OR start a canned food drive at your local church or synagogue.
- Make and deliver a local church or synagogue member a meal to their home.
- Do you have a pet? Find a senior center in your area and see if you can take your pet for a seniors visit. Dogs have a wonderful way of cheering people up.
- Winter is almost in full swing. Have you switched out your clothes from summer to Fall? Take a look and see if you really need that shirt or pair of pants. Could you possibly donate it to so someone in need?
- Organize a clean up day in your local park or community.
- Plant flowers for someone or in an area that seems like it needs sprucing up.
- Repaint a playground.
- Speak at a career day for your child's school. (we already know how wonderful educators are!)
- Go to a community meeting and learn about the issues in your city, and any opportunities they may have.
The more you give back, the happier you will be as a human being. The happier you are, the better you will perform in your work and in your life. Happy Holidays!![]()

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