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How Not to Burn Out as a First Year Teacher

Teaching is not for the weak. It is a hard job and even the most resilient and passionate teachers can feel a little burnt out after a while. As a first year teacher, you might not be thinking that burning out is a possibility, but it happens. That's why we've gathered these tips to help you prevent the burn out and keep your passion for teaching strong.

Have a Personal Life - Outside of Work

Maintaining a steady personal life outside of your work will help tremendously in preventing becoming burnt out. Take part in social activities with friends, indulge in your hobbies, and make sure to nurture your personal relationships. And most importantly, when you're doing these things, don't think or talk about work!

Leave When You're Supposed To

Staying too late after school each and every day is a quick way to burn yourself out. If you are spending too much time in your classroom when you don't need to be will lead to dreading going to work. Make sure you make an effort not to stay later than you need to each day.

Spend Your Lunch Break Wisely

When it's break time, make it just that: break time. Spend your lunch break enjoying your lunch and the quiet time away from your students. You could catch up with your fellow co-workers or you could even go out to lunch. Either way, when you are on your lunch, be on break!

Make Friends

As a first year teacher making friends can ease your transition into your new school and help make the days easier as well. Friends can be helpful for advice and guidance as well as bring a bright spot of joy to your day. Get to know your fellow co-workers and make some friends. Bets are, they've felt burnt out before and they can give you a few tips to help you avoid it too!

Treat Yourself

Take some time to treat yourself and treat yourself well. It doesn't have to be an expensive night out or shopping trip - although if that's what you need to pamper yourself, go for it! Make sure you take time to relax and do something that is just for you. Don't wait until you're already feeling stressed or annoyed to do so. Instead make it a regular part of your schedule to do something for yourself.

Be Prepared

Being prepared for the week ahead can help you avoid any unnecessary stress. Take one day each week to plan for the upcoming week. Staying organized can help you be prepared and ready for the week to come.

Be Aware of the Warning Signs

Understanding what the signs of becoming stressed are, can help you stop it in its tracks. Some of the warning signs of becoming stressed include:
  • Irritability
  • Annoyance at little things
  • Quickened pulse
  • Shortness of breath
  • Feeling hot or beginning to sweat
When you begin to feel stressed out, take a time out! Get some fresh air, take some deep breaths, and/or count to ten to bring you back to your normal state.

Be Realistic

Being realistic is vital for a successful year. Nothing is going to be perfect: not your students, not your lesson plan, and certainly not you. Don't set unrealistic goals or expectations on yourself or your students to avoid being let down and further stressed out. Imperfection is a part of life and you should embrace it!

Set Boundaries Between Home and School

Make sure you set clear and rigid boundaries between your home life and your school life. While it is not easy to do at first, the more you make an effort to practice the ground rules you have set for yourself, the happier you will be.

Take Time to Nurture Your Mental Health

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health in avoiding becoming burned out. Take time to relax and unwind each day. It will help you reset your mind for the next day ahead and it will help you to avoid becoming too stressed out. Some tips to help you relax could include:
  • Meditating
  • Reading a favorite book
  • Watching TV
  • Taking a walk
  • Spending time with family or friends

In the end, your first year will be memorable, no matter where you end up teaching. Make sure to keep these tips in mind as you face your year ahead and you will be sure to keep your fire and passion for teaching alive and fresh for the next year ahead.

Laura Carter has decent experience in educational field. Right now she writes for higher education blog at http://dissertationwritingservices.org. She loves sharing her knowledge with other educators and passionate about learning new languages. Follow @carterlaura15 to hear more from her!



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