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Summer Money Making & Managing Guidance for Students

Summer is here and you're looking for some good ideas to make some bucks. Well, whether you're a pre-scholar or a college student, you've landed in the right place. Before we get started on the actual topic, I'd like to address two important matters.

Establish the "Why"

Before you choose a job, establish why you do it. Is it because you need more extra cash to spend or because you plan something bigger?
Do you actually need it, or you simply want it? Why? Answer the question why first, and your journey will be much simpler, exciting, and rewarding.

Don't Stop Growing

Before you start working, you should decide what you want to do with your life. In order not to wake up at 60 years old, thinking why you haven't taken more risks, why you haven't learned more, and why you haven't done what you've always wanted to do, you should start with the following mindset:
Continuous growth and practice. Consistent, persistent, and tireless growth and practice. That's what this is all about. These are the two essential aspects that will keep you "alive". If you decide to stop learning, you decide to die.
Now here are some great ideas on how to spend your free time during the summer, doing something constructive and productive for your personal & professional growth.

1. Open a Lemonade Stand

Opening a lemonade stand is more profitable than you think. Think about it - the expenses are extremely low, and you can do it anywhere you want. You'll need an approval that I'm sure that you can handle. After that, building the lemonade stand is not that complicated. Obtaining the necessary tools and consumables? Even simpler.
This is a product that will never cease to "work", so add a little twist to it, build an interesting brand that people will love, and you got yourself a long-term business.

2. Be the Personal Assistant of Someone Who Truly Needs It

You can be a personal assistant in a lot of fields. For example, if you care and have the patience, you can help elders with various tasks such as carrying their bags, shopping, dog-walking, and so on. Find someone who truly needs help and you'll reap other benefits from this, and their worth is bigger than money.

3. Yard Work

Yard work is not that complicated, and it is a simple yet effective way to earn your bucks during the summer without that much hustle. If you're a man, you'll grow those muscles pretty well and you'll hit two birds with one stone.

4. Dog-Walking

Dog-walking is relaxing, especially if you love animals. This job is too underrated!
You shouldn't care about what people say. Most people will be mean, judging your work as something "desperate" or "funny". If you manage not to care, this job could be the perfect job!

5. Pet-Sitting

Pet-sitting involves sitting with different pets while the owners are not at home. This job has variations because there are different types of requests. Some owners want you to sit with their pets every day, others only need help during weekends or holidays.
Anyhow, the hosts welcome you into their "family" and you'll spend time in various places. If you want to, you can even travel because by building a trustworthy image in the "pet-sitting" international environment (different platforms and networks for the pet-sitters and pet owners), most people will accept your request. Then you'll get to travel the entire world and see hundreds of beautiful places!

6. Offer Assignment Writing Help

Assignment writing help is a great opportunity to make some real money while training your brain and memory. In the meanwhile, you can build plenty of great connections with different students who appeal to your services. You must write well and follow the guidelines, and you can work from anywhere you want, including beaches or mountains, as long as you have a laptop and an internet connection!

7. Buy Cheap and Sell for Profit

If you feel that you're a born entrepreneur, you should consider trading. Trading exists since the beginning of humankind. If you find products that you can leverage (buy cheap, sell expensive), you should give it a shot.
Find different products and play around with different distribution platforms. Use the internet - you can find and leverage almost anything you can imagine.

8. Write Articles (Ghostwriting)

Ghostwriting is a very satisfying and profitable activity that helps you grow your writing and communication skills. Besides that, you get to learn about a lot of topics that may later help you in life. For example, I'm writing this article right now and I'm exploring all the possibilities I have to diversify my work. Pretty cool, yea?

9. Start a Blog or a YouTube Channel

There are lots of students who want to become bloggers or video bloggers, but they simply don't. There are more reasons: fear, lack of knowledge, lack of skill, lack of priority.
If you want to start a blog, you can manage to do that in 1 week. How? If you put your entire heart and soul in this matter, you will find all the solutions in no time. Start working and you'll see!

10. Magician

Become a magician and spend your summer laughing and earning money while meeting hundreds and thousands of people. If you're up for that, you can start practicing different tricks and start following different expert magicians. Follow what they do and learn from their books and videos.

A Few Money-Management Tips

Earning the money is one thing, investing them in the proper things is another. They're both important, so please, before you even start making the money, start planning how you're going to spend them. Most importantly, make wise decisions!

  1. Learn to budget consistently
  2. Automate your savings, meaning that you can add a little penny each month
  3. Don't save a lot of money. Instead, keep some for "bad days" and reinvest the rest of them.
  4. Get truly creative - you can accomplish anything you want by simply giving your best and responding to challenges with your entire being.
  5. Save by cooking at home (you also eat healthily), by saying "NO" to all the unnecessary distractions.
  6. Save money by saying "NO" to loan requests that come from anybody (including friends)
  7. Take advantage of coupons, promotions, and discounts.
  8. Don't miss opportunities. Use both your reason and intuition to make decisions and assume responsibility for everything.
  9. Don't fall in love with money, they're nothing but a tool to freedom.
  10. Money = pieces of paper, so don't let some insignificant pieces of paper become your primary goal. Money's only a result of what you do. If you're smart, you won't spend your life chasing money while all the precious time you still have left could be spent in amazing ways.


Whether you like it or not, you will have to work. However, those who can manage who turn their work into play will be able to succeed in everything they plan and dream to achieve. The summer vacation is the "perfect place to start". However, if you want to do it well, you'd better give your 100% and pay attention to all the lessons you receive. Good luck!

Guest Blogger: Mark Thomson is a writer and a head editor of https://assignmentmasters.org/ service who specialize in education, career-building and self-development fields. Mark is glad to share his experience with wide audience, so you can often see him as a guest contributor on different relevant blogs.



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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