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How Teachers Can Use Pinterest in the Classroom

Pinterest is a social media platform that's hugely popular with educators. But not every teacher knows how to make the most of it, which is why USC Rossier's online MAT program created The Guide to Pinterest for Educators. This guide helps teachers and administrators learn how to navigate and use Pinterest as a powerful learning tool. Here is an overview of the guide, with a link to help you dig in on your own.

Curating content

Pinterest is chock-full of ideas, which can be both wonderful and overwhelming. When you do find exactly what you need, it can be easy to lose it in the shuffle of other pins. But with the right approach, you can learn to effectively source and curate ideas on Pinterest to make them more useful. To find out more about curating content on Pinterest, click here.

Staying organized

If you think you struggle with organization now, just wait until all those great ideas end up in a pile of pins you lost track of months ago. You can avoid searching for the pin in the haystack with specific strategies you can learn more about here.

Sparking collaboration

If you're a collaborator at heart, Pinterest offers many opportunities to deepen your ties with other educators and the educational community as a whole. Learn more about moving beyond creative inspiration and building valuable relationships on Pinterest by clicking here.

Connecting students

Encouraging students to use social media in class might sound counterintuitive, but in the case of Pinterest, it makes sense. Just as the platform can be a valuable tool for educators, students can benefit by using it, too. To see some of the ways students are making the most of Pinterest, click here.

Promoting internet safety

Because social media and the internet can be risky for kids, it's essential that safe use is a top priority. By following some key guidelines, you can help students make the most of what Pinterest offers, while remaining safe on the internet. Find out more by clicking here.

Generating community involvement

With all the negative press around social media and the responsibilities schools and parents face, some may be reluctant to jump on the Pinterest bandwagon. But by working together to address concerns, you can create new solutions that may benefit everyone. To learn more about how to accomplish this and read about examples of schools that have been successful, click here.

Following the best

One of the best things about Pinterest is you can learn from others in your ranks. Educators and educational institutions are powerful forces on this platform, so you'll want to figure out who to follow to meet your specific needs. The guide lists some favorites you might want to consider.

Getting started on Pinterest

That may all sound great, but if you're a Pinterest rookie, you're likely feeling a little overwhelmed. The good news is that by learning some basics and following a few simple steps, you may soon become a Power Pinner yourself. Learn more about starting your Pinterest journey by clicking here.

Caroline Linne is a Marketing Coordinator and supports community outreach for 2U Inc.'s K-12 Education and mental health programs.



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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