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Digital Learning: 5 Ways It Changed Education

Digitalization and new technologies have certainly changed the world. With it, they changed the way we learn and educate as well. Here are some ways digital learning has changed education:

Availability of study materials

One of the easiest things you can notice about the impact of digital learning in education is the availability of study materials, courses, lessons and so on. This definitely impacts education in a positive way. For instance, students can now take advantage of their study materials anywhere. If they want to take a course, they can do so by just plugging in their headset and choosing the subject. They can also share their study materials with other students.

People from around the world - not just students - can get information and education at any given time on any subject. There are books, courses, articles and research papers available and this is definitely improving education. People are no longer limited to what they learn in school. They can also learn more through search engines and course materials available. As a bonus, there are many platforms offering tutoring. So, for instance, a person from China could get an English Language Tutor from Britain and learn more about the culture while learning the language. There are also phone apps providing language lessons which are very useful to students in schools and professional people alike.

Collaboration in classroom

Collaboration in classrooms has also changed with the impact of digital learning. Learning is no longer limited to just that classroom - people now have the opportunity to share their knowledge and receive knowledge with people from around the world. This has numerous benefits like feeling more connected with people from other countries and cultures, globalization of knowledge and expanding our views of the world. On a smaller scale, this provides students with an abundance of useful information that they can use in their education. The diversity of students, thoughts and cultures could really change the way we think and the way the children and older people alike are being educated.

Students and teachers can now cooperate on the same materials no matter where they are as long as they have internet connection. This means that being in the same space is no longer necessary - students and teachers could be at their homes and still learn the same way - if not better - than they would in school.

The curriculum involves games

Games are so popular specifically because each action leads to either an award or the unlocking of the next level. This can be addictive and this is the reason people still play them. Education has benefited greatly from involvement of the games in the curriculum. Students learn by playing or answering the questions correctly. This is a fun concept that fully engages the student and leads them through the material seamlessly.

"Learning through these games has been truly beneficial for my students. They learn and memorise things so quickly. The best part is they actually have questions, engaged, good questions, for me at the end of the lesson. They want to know more," says Alastair Black, an educator at 1day2write.

The role of the teacher

With the digital learning, the role of the teacher has somewhat changed.

For one, the students are now more informed - they see information online and they want to know more. They are more engaged and attentive when the subject is something they are interested in. The teacher is there to guide them towards the right materials and right sources of information, elaborate and explain the subject at hand and share examples with the students.

There is more to it, however. Just like we could have diverse classrooms, we could also have diverse teachers. Educators from all over the world could be teaching a wide variety of subjects which is, again, a great thing for raising awareness of different cultures and views. The use of technology can enable teachers to facilitate and lead the students to problem solving and critical thinking. While teachers used to be the main source of instruction, offering limited insights, now they can be the leaders pointing at the right sources of several different views on a single subject, helping students form their own opinions.

Personalized teaching and learning

"With technology and digitization, teachers have the opportunity of working with students on a personal level. They can evaluate the knowledge a student has, help them understand better and so on. Both students and teachers benefit from this approach," says Tony Martello, a tutor with Write My X .

Digitalization certainly changed many things and it didn't skip the education. In some ways, this can be bad - in cases where technology and the availability of internet aren't used properly - but it can also be really good in connecting students and teachers and helping them integrate learning into their daily lives. But, in order to use it properly, both students and teachers need to learn the best ways to use it. These have been just some of the ways technology and digitalization changed the world. This change will continue for years to come and hopefully improve the way we teach and learn.

Author's bio:
Sherie Raymond works as a business writer and editor at Academicbrits.com and OriginWritings.com. Her main focus are educational and business articles for various online publications. When she has free time, Sherie likes to do yoga.



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