7 Parent Tips for Navigating Remote Learning with their Children
The Coronavirus pandemic seems to get more serious across the globe. It has transformed the education system significantly. Schools have gone remote, and even the youngest students switched to online learning. Certainly, the burden of educating children falls first on teachers who are responsible for creating online classrooms, lessons, and other activities. However, only parental guidance can help to complete these activities properly. For parents who continue to stay at home with their children, it is important not to panic during such a stressful and unpredictable time. Fortunately, there are several essential tips that can help you to navigate the new frontier of remote learning with your children.
1. Limit distractions
If you want to keep children's attention focused on the lessons, a so-called "digital quarantine" seems to be necessary. Limit your child's use of devices until the homework is done. Of course, the devices needed to complete their work should be allowed. Also, you can allow your child to play on a smartphone or a laptop during the break for a limited amount of time.
2. Make a schedule
A schedule is essential not only for parents working from home but also for their children. Firstly, you have to keep your children on a similar sleeping schedule that they usually have when they go to school. Help them to write a specific schedule for each day and a week. The fact is that a clear vision of what is expected from your child is more important than you may even imagine. Thus, your primary goal is to teach your children how to create and prioritize their own tasks, goals, and deadlines.
3. Make space for learning
Do you have a specific area at home where you usually work? Then you should create a similar space for the child. Indeed, children are able to achieve their best work only in a comfortable and quiet place. What is more, it's important to make this space strictly devoted to learning. Therefore, it has to be a different set-up than where your child usually watches TV, plays with toys, or listens to music.
4. Don't let your child treat remote learning as a vacation
Don't forget to remind children that education still comes first. Although remote learning might feel like a long vacation, they should continue studying as far as possible. Make your child aware that the classes have moved online, but homework, grades, and tests are not going away.
5. Don't forget about breaks
It is well-known that schedules are crucial for children at school. Likewise, at home, children should maintain their routine close to normal. It's a good idea for parents to set alarms to keep their children on a schedule. During a break or lunchtime, encourage your child to get some fresh air, go for a walk, or have a tasty snack outside.
6. Keep in touch with other parents and allow your children to interact with friends via video chats
Although social distancing is important during the Coronavirus pandemic, don't underestimate the power of communication via video chats or social media. Today, many parents are going through an absolutely new experience, and perhaps, they have effective insights to share with you. At the same time, encourage your children to video chat with friends, because otherwise, they will feel the effects of being distanced from their usual social life.
7. Remember to schedule time for fun
Since your child is definitely not on a vacation, don't forget to schedule some time for fun. Probably, you have never had so much time with your children, so don't miss this opportunity and have fun with them. Organize a tournament, a special family card game, or get outside and walk together.
In conclusion, these simple tips will help you to navigate remote learning with your children successfully and stay healthy at the same time. Establishing a healthy routine, limiting distractions, and maintaining a positive attitude are the best practices to help kids stay grounded and get the most of distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Guest Blogger:
Bio: Robb Matox is a young entrepreneur who always promotes a healthy lifestyle and enjoys writing articles on parenting and education insights. Also, he is a blogger for a website where you can buy personal statement online.
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