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Boost Learning with Fun

Many students find it difficult to stay focused while doing homework or having a lesson. They find the learning process monotonous and boring. They easily lose motivation and get distracted by movies, games, snacks, friends, or else. It does not have to be so, learning can be fun, engaging and something to look forward to. Here are some ideas:

1. Turn tasks into a quest

When you have a long task ahead of you: a difficult project, a test, or doing a lot of homework, sometimes you want to quit without even starting. The mind gives up because the task is too big, and it seems that it is simply impossible to complete it.

This can be done if you turn the learning process into a quest-a series of small, related tasks. Break down all the work into separate tasks. They should be small, each with a clear, understandable goal: to find the right chapter, read five pages, make a summary, etc. And then you will only need to move systematically from one task to another.

As a rule, a person notices the beginning and end of the work, and not the process itself. By breaking things down into small pieces, you create a constant sense of moving forward. Mark on paper or your phone-the completion of the next task from the list. The satisfaction of completing a task will encourage you to take up a new one as soon as possible, and you will not notice how difficult the work will be left behind.

2. Use games for learning

Modern technologies have given us many ways to make learning more interesting. Instead of poring over boring tables and diagrams, you can search for the same information in the form of infographics or video lectures. To memorize foreign words, use games and apps with cards. Many of the facts you need to learn can be memorized by taking thematic quizzes.

If your subject is too specific, you can come up with an educational game for yourself like the existing ones. You can try to learn something faster than the last time; you can try to write down 10 new words or rules without mistakes. Take the subject a little less seriously, and the most boring tasks will become more fun.

3. Reward yourself

When there is not enough internal motivation, external motivation will come to the rescue. Arrange a reward for completing a boring or unpleasant task. Depending on its complexity, it can be completely different things - from candy to a new phone or a trip to another city.

Come up with a suitable method for you. You can assign rewards for completing even the smallest tasks to inspire yourself or your kids to solve problems. You can even create a whole system of rewards with accumulated points, which will then be spent on large prizes.

This method creates a constant positive reinforcement for you. It works especially well when the task is too large, and the result will not be soon or the goal is not easy to isolate. It is difficult to remind yourself every time that you need to pass the hated subject at least for the minimum points because otherwise, you will not get a good grade.

4. Create an inspiring atmosphere

You can do your favorite thing in the semi-darkness, curled up on a cluttered sofa. However, if you sit down to do boring homework, an unpleasant environment will only increase your reluctance to work.

Try to go outside and work out in the park or arrange a cozy workspace. Buy comfortable and beautiful writing, choose a funny notebook and pens. If the study is not going, do not force yourself to sit in the right place, come up with something new, up to the most unexpected options: memorizing poems in the bathroom may be strange, but such a change of environment can spur your memory.

Do not forget that all the necessary items are at hand. When you don't have to be constantly distracted to find the right book or record, the work goes better.

5. Visualize

Use visual methods for learning. Write down words or formulas on separate cards, draw pictures and flowcharts to better understand the new material. Adopt the technique of "mental maps", which allows you to break a large array of information into separate understandable elements. It can be used both to structure school assignments, and to visually represent a confusing exercise or chapter in a textbook.

Take notes during lessons or explanations of the teacher, highlight the most important information with colored markers - all this will help you immediately remember the material well, and in the future, it will be better to navigate in the notes.

6. Learn with friends

Even the most difficult work is more fun to do when you do it with a group of friends. If you are teaming up with someone, it is more difficult to avoid completing tasks or persuade yourself to postpone them for a while. You can also use each other's strengths, and then the one who is best given a certain type of work will quickly explain it to the others. For example, one monitors the performance of tasks in English, another-in mathematics, the third helps to learn biology, etc.

The only thing that needs to be strictly monitored is to engage, and not go on to discuss personal life or computer games.

7. Organise a competition

Competition is a great way to spur yourself, inspire you to work harder and better. Compete with a friend who will complete homework or prepare for an exam faster, who will get a higher grade or write an essay better. You can also compete with different lists of goals - who is more successful or more likely to complete their list of tasks.

If you don't like to compare yourself with others, you can compete with yourself: note how long it took you to complete tasks or how many points you scored last time, and try to improve the result. As a reward, you can also assign prizes or enter some fun tasks that will make you strive to win. You can argue and just on the score or for the sake of interest.

Use the suggested methods individually or together - this will help even with the most boring and uninteresting tasks. However, if you constantly have to force yourself, you should think about global motivation. Remember why you initially started this or that course/learning process, what it will give you in the future and why it is important to perform it.

Guest Blogger:

About the author: My name is Donald Mena. I am a writer and lifestyle coach with a focus on personal development. Besides, I write my research paper on the learning and socialization of kids with special needs.



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