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Virtual to In-Person Teaching for Primary Children

Many parents start to teach children very early. They use many online classes or gadgets to make learning more interesting for kids. It is not possible to teach everything remotely. That is why it is vital to know how to effectively move from virtual to in-person teaching.

The global pandemic: the life before and after

Remote learning and work had suddenly become an integral part of our lives. If someone ever told you that you would skip in-person visits to numerous institutions for months, you wouldn't believe it. But the global pandemic because of COVID-19 didn't ask people for what they wanted. As a result, we had these months in a new, unusual, and chaotic regime.

Lately, after students and employees got used to the new lifestyle, another challenge happened. Back to the workplace and back to school may not be as easy as everyone expected. Returning to routine may not be as simple as it looks!

It's important to face new challenges and handle all possible issues. In this article, we'll focus on young children, their desires, expectations, and difficulties.

Step-by-step transition for children

The first step in the transition from virtual to in-person learning is acceptance. It's necessary to help kids understand what is going on and why. After this preparation stage, there is only one thing left: to study in new conditions having the experience of previous months in isolation. The first weeks may not be easy, but young children have flexible minds, and with the following tips, they will get used to in-person education.

Make a predictable plan for transition

First of all, it's an essential step to plan the transition for pupils. Their behavior can be unpredictable, but it doesn't mean educational institutions and families should carelessly ignore the problem. In this situation, bothparents and teachers must work together. Their cooperation allows creating the best transition conditions for young children.

All educational goals can wait while kids are ready to move on. It's better to start with connecting with parents or guardians. The family and home is the safest place for young children, and they need to feel support. Information about every family, their challenges, the child's interests, etc. will help a teacher build a predictable plan in transition to in-person education for every pupil.

Develop friendships between kids in the classroom

A kid should want to go to school and receive knowledge, do homework, etc. So let's give them reasons for it. Friendship is one of these reasons. Children make friends fast at a young age, so teachers only need a little help. .

For example, virtual meetings before starting the school year are great. Whether the kids knew each other or not, virtual communication can help them make new friends or refresh their interactions with old friends. .

Making an address book with contacts of families is a good idea. Just collect their contact information and share it with parents or guardians of kids from the same class. .

Comfortable and peaceful learning space

Several first weeks of returning to classrooms cause many challenges for kids. They will experience both positive and negative emotions. And the main goal is to create a comfortable learning environment, so they would like to go back there again.

There are several great tips to improve the classroom's atmosphere. For example, use calming music at the beginning of the day or during breaks.Many surveys highlight the power of natural sounds.

Here is another thing to think about: many pupils haven't been in classrooms for ages. But many kids have never been to school because they had started their education in the era of distance learning. So such kids will require more attention and personalized communication according to their experiences.

Flexible classrooms with modern seats

It seems not so important at first sight, but this is a huge mistake. Children sit for hours at their desks for a long time throughout the day. It does not affect their comfort and behavior, but regularly changing places in the classroom should help them adapt to new conditions.

Regular breaks and teaching outdoors

Breaks are needed to refresh minds and keep kids' energy under control. The brain can't consume content all the time. That's why frequent breaks are essential in the transition from distance to in-person education.

Besides, getting enough fresh air is still underrated, especially in first graders. Let kids breathe fresh air during breaks as much as possible. It's great not only to air classrooms but also to hold lessons outdoors. It magically helps them to avoid anxiety and feel relief.

The power of EdTech for classrooms

Educational technology is an essential part of the modern learning process. Nowadays, a student can google a question then ask a teacher. Even young kids prefer using tablets instead of paper books.

But the process is already going on. According toCambridge Assessment International Education, almost half of students use PCs in classrooms, and one third of pupils use Smartboards.

So take a look at the main benefits of technology in education for students:

  1. - improve the process of consuming visual content
  2. - provide interactive communication between kids and teacher in the classroom
  3. - scale creativity, analytical thinking, and other skills
  4. - help students in any challenge
  5. - make education truly accessible for all students

EdTech is very useful for teachers too. It helps to improve communication with parents, increase personal efficiency, enhance management, etc.

Build a better emotional connection between kids

It is hard for children to focus on custom writing and other tasks wh. The pandemic doesn't add positive emotions too. That's why it's an important step to build emotional connections between kids in classrooms and with teachers.

As a result, pupils will feel safe and comfortable during hours at school. Besides, having friends also helps to bounce back without stress. Just make sure to pay attention to kids' emotional conditions and requirements.

Final thoughts on the successful transition

Both types of education have advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the age, technical equipment, and other conditions, the exact kid may receive more benefits from one or another type of learning.

Effective transition is possible if we make enough effort. One of the main parts of this process is modern technology and its benefits.

That's why EdTech is a hot topic nowadays. This approach provides pupils, teachers, and parents with plenty of advantages, especially during the transition period. It can and will help thousands of individuals to go back to a normal lifestyle.

Author Bio:

Oscar Mitchall is a professional author at the research paper help service. He is always ready to provide students with interesting, high-quality, and inspiring essay writing on any topic. He is always happy to share his insights, so don't miss the chance to expand your horizons.



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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