Teaching Resources
Links verified 3/2/2023
- 20 Useful Apps for Kids with Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities
- Accommodating Dyslexia in the Classroom - Strategies and tips for teachers.
- Accommodations/Modifications - Alterations to make in the classroom to assist in teaching students with dyslexia.
- Apps for Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities - Huge list of apps with many of them free.
- Assistive Technology for Dyslexic Students and Adults - A list of helpful weblinks and apps that are available for free or a low cost.
- Cognitive-Learning Styles for Dyslexic Students - Strategies to use for students with unique education challenges.
- Creating a Dyslexia-Friendly Classroom - Tips for teachers to help students with dyslexia.
- Dyslexia and Memory - Seven strategies to use to help students remember.
- Dyslexia and Reading Disorders - Factors, signs, effects, and how to assist students with dyslexia and reading disorders. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Dyslexia and Writing - Common difficulties children experience and different methods found to be helpful.
- Fun and Games - A list of free apps and online games that will help teach reading, spelling, and much more in a playful setting while providing beneficial practice for dealing with dyslexia.
- Helping Dyslexic Students Succeed - 'How-To-Article' on understanding dyslexia to help make a positive difference for a student.
- How Teachers Can Accommodate the Dyslexic Student - Strategies that can be implemented in the classroom for reading, writing, arithmetic, and understanding time.
- Math Games for Students with Dyslexia - Ideas to help teach math concepts to children with dyslexia.
- Teaching Strategies for Dyslexic Children - A variety of techniques to use in the classroom.
- Teaching Strategies for Dyslexia
- Teaching Students with Dyscalculia - Dyscalculia is a learning disability that causes individuals to have persistent difficulty learning and practicing mathematical concepts
Printable Worksheets/Activities
- 1,000 Printable Worksheets - Lots of free worksheets to use with students who have dyslexia.
- Phonemic Activities - Printables and ideas for the classroom. .
- Printing Lessons - "Formal printing lessons are often missing in classrooms today and many dyslexic children can benefit from printing lessons."
- Reading Worksheets - Free reading worksheets for teaching reading decoding and fluency.
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