Solve problems involving indirect measurement such as finding the height of a building by comparing its shadow with the height and shadow of a known object. 0706.4.1
Links verified on 6/11/2014
- Building Height - lesson plan from Illuminations [includes a good illustration]
- Connecting Geometry: Similar Triangles - Similar triangles can be very useful for measuring inaccessible objects. One method of doing this is called "shadow reckoning," which this page describes
- Exploration: Indirect Measurement - this five-page leson provides suggestions for a technology lab, a review for mastery page and a homework page with eight problems [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Extending Our Senses: Indirect Measurement - this newsletter article from Arbor Scientific includes ideas on how to measure the height of a flagpole or rocket and even a suggestion for measuring the size of the moon
- Find the Altitude of a Flying Kite - using a clinograph [instructions included on how to make a clinograph]
How to Measure Chimney Height - ignore the one about the barometer (that's just a joke), the suggestions in yellow are good.
Indirect Measurement - [11 slides] This slide show could be used with projection for a whole class lesson giving students times to work the four sample problems and then showing the step by step solution for each one (included on the slide)
- Indirect Measurement - this 4-page document was designed for 4th grade but it fits this standard perfectly
- Indirect Measuring and Shadow Reckoning - three examples with fully worked out solutions to be used as examples
- Indirect Measurement Technique: Using Trigonometric Ratios - Grade Nine - although this activity is designed for ninth grade the lesson plan could be used in middle school to teach this standard
- Indirect Measurement Techniques - [designed for grade 8] this eleven page lesson plan provides clear instructions on how to peform the measurement and gives several practice problems
- Indirect Measurement with Similar Triangles - this five page lesson plan describes how to use a mirror in making indirect measurements. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Measurement Estimation - instructions from an outdoor skills handbook for scouts
- Measuring Heights of Tall Objects - This page has six problems for students to solve, solutions are available. At the end of the page there is a link to a video segment about this skill
- Measuring Heights of Tall Objects: Homework - eight homework problems with solutions available
- Measuring the Height of a Building Using Shadows - explanation from Dr. Math at the Math Forum
- Similar Triangles and Indirect Measurement - this worksheet gives a short review, an example and five practice problems
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