1st Grade Writing Standards
Links verified on 9/30/2010
0101.3.1 Brainstorm Ideas - Brainstorm ideas with teachers and peers, use graphic organizers (e.g., webs, charts, Venn diagrams) independently and/or in group, draw pictures to generate ideas, and use a variety of resources to gather information. Classroom Resources - Utilize classroom resources to support the writing process (e.g., word walls, picture dictionaries). First Draft - Begin to compose first drafts using the appropriate parts of the writing process with an emphasis on planning and self correcting. Spell Independently - Use temporary/creative spelling to spell independently as needed. Logical Sequence - Arrange events in a logical and sequential order when writing. 0101.3.6 Descriptive Words - Begin to add descriptive words and details to writing. 0101.3.7 Form Letters - Create legible documents for reading by forming legible upper and lower case letters utilizing correct spacing, writing from left to right and top to bottom, and tracing and reproducing letters and words correctly. 0101.3.8 Evaluate Writing - Evaluate own and others’ writing through small group discussion and shared work. 0101.3.9 Using Suggestions - Incorporate suggestions from teachers and peers. 0101.3.10 Use a Rubric - Use a simple rubric to evaluate writing. 0101.3.11 Illustrate Writing - Illustrate written work with simple drawings.

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