Lesson Plans: Social Studies
Links checked on 8/15/09
Click here for more Social Studies Resources from our Links for K-12 Section.
- America Responds - PBS resources to help educators teach students about peace, tolerance, war, patriotism, geography, and other related issues
- Ancient Egypt Lesson Plans
- Awesome Library - K-12 History lesson plans
- Best of History - links to help you find the best history lesson plans
- Crossroads - K-16 American History curriculum
- Discovery School: U S History Lesson Plan Library
- EdHelper - Social Studies theme units
- EdSitement Lesson Plans - a Thinkfinity partner site
- Educator's Reference Desk: History lesson plans
- Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - lesson plans integrating music and history
- History Lesson Plans and Resources
- Lesson Plans and Teaching Strategies
- Lesson Plans for Social Studies - categorized by grade levels; Pre K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, secondary
- Lesson Plans For A Variety Of Social Studies Topics
- Lesson Planz - social studies
- Mr. Donn's Pages - lesson plans, resources, and activities
- Mrs. G's American History lesson plans for 8th graders
- Smithsonian History & Culture lesson plans - 3-8 with one exception (6-12)
- Social Studies - lesson plans and resources from the Internet which social studies teachers will find useful
- Social Studies Lesson Plans - Lesson plans and teaching strategies
- Teaching American History: History Teacher Toolbox - scroll past the lectures to find lesson plans
- Teaching with Historic Places - more than ninety classroom-ready lesson plans that together cover major themes of American history
- Tennessee History - Creating America: Beginnings through World War I - resources, activities, and quizzes
- Text only Social Studies Lesson Plans - categorized by grade levels; K-5, 6-8, and 9-12
National Geographic lesson plans

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