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Android Apps

Android Educational Apps

Links verified 7/15/2016

NOTE: We realize there are a tremendous amount of apps on the market. We try to post free apps only. Due to ever-changing prices, apps that may be free today might cost money tomorrow. We do our best to update accordingly.

If you have app recommendations not listed below, please email us! Susan.Brooks@internet4classrooms.com We welcome your input.

Teacher Tools

  1. Teacher Assist -Random Student Selector: - You simply input the number of students in your class or their names, then click 'Go!' and a random student/number will be displyed on your screen.
  2. Kids Timer - There is a fast blue clock of max 12 minutes and a slow red clock of max 1 hour. You can set the time by touching the plate. Your child will see time passing by, and will hear a notification when time is up. Ideal to tell your child for example he has 15 minutes left to complete an assignment.
  3. Course Book - A tool that helps teachers to keep track of students' records and different categories for marks are possible, e.g. finals, midterms, project works. Average marks are calculated automatically and individual remarks are possible
  4. EasyKid Tokens - A token board that's handy wherever an opportunity to teach a desirable behavior arises. A common teaching tool for behavior development and modification, including ABA. Great for primary children as well as kids on the autistic spectrum, asperger's, PDD NOS, Down syndrome or other kinds of developmental delay.
  5. Roobot - Personal Assistant - Roobot is a 3D friend and personal assistant definitely better than Siri enabling users to control their android based devices with voice or text (Only in English for now). Roobot learns new things every time you talk to him. If you are not happy with Roobots' answers, you can teach him/her new things and override his memory.
  6. Common Core - View the Common Core state standards in one convenient FREE app! This app includes a simple way to view each Common Core standard.

Language Arts

  1. Handwriting Fun Set 1 -Trace the letter, hear the letter. Shake to erase & try again! Finger Tracing™ Flashcards are a great learning tool for practicing the proper Zaner-Bloser© Print Style handwriting method.
  2. Practice English Grammar -This interactive grammar exercises (Beginner Level) app contains many pages of grammar lessons explaining the grammar topics of the tests with over 500 questions in 16 topics.
  3. Kids Reading (Preschool) - Kids Reading is a delightful game that invites your children to practice blending sounds together to form, read and spell words that are all made up of only three letters of the alphabet.
  4. iStory Books - Free story books with fun pictures, text & audio for your little ones. Parent can add or remove books from the child's library. Parent section of the app is protected.
  5. Book Reader with free books to download and read -This is a book reader that downloads books from the Internet for you to read. There are tens of thousands of free books to choose from, as well as some others available for a small price. You can put together a collection of books into your own book library on your Android. There are plenty of books to reference, not only for adults, but children, kids and teens as well.
  6. Speed Reading Trainer - This speed reading app is a fun, effective and FREE way to increase your reading abilities. This app uses the fundamentals of metaguiding and viewing exercises to train your eyes to process text quicker.

Math Skills

  1. Algebra Tutor -Practice and learn Prealgebra and Algebra topics! Walk through step-by-step solutions to see where you made your mistake.
  2. Bubbles of Math -Select the numbered bubbles to match a "target sum" value (red box in the top of the screen) to blow the bubbles before they hit the blades in the top of the screen.
  3. Brain Exerciser - Three math games to exercise your brain.
  4. Kids Number and Math Lite - This app helps children learn to name, compare, add, subtract and match numbers.
  5. Math Bingo - Math BINGO is a fun way for children to practice math facts on your phone/tablet. Choose from addition, subtraction, multiplication or division BINGO, then select a level of difficulty.
  6. Math Practice Flash Cards - Math Practice Flash Cards by TeachersParadise.com Studios. A fun game to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.
  7. Math Workout - Math/Maths Workout is a set of daily brain training exercises and math drills designed to enhance mental arithmetic.
  8. Mental Math -Become good with numbers. Practice makes perfect! Enjoy mental math and train your brain!
  9. Peter Pig's Money Counter- With the help of a friendly piggy bank, kids practice sorting and counting coins to earn virtual money


Social Studies

  1. GeoQuiz - GeoQuiz from Brain Café tests your knowledge of the planet Earth and all its wonders. With its user friendly interface, GeoQuiz makes learning fun and easy.
  2. Learn World History - Learn world history from the beginnings of civilization through 1900! This app helps you learn hundreds of key events thoughout world history. Learn World History contains two quizzes in one app. First, you can get a sense of the order of historical events by using the “Which Came First” quiz, in which you choose the first of two events to happen. Then learn exact dates with the “When Did It Happen” quiz, where you have to identify a specific year when an event occurred.
  3. US History Quiz -US History Trivia Quiz will test your knowledge of The United States of America's rich history, people, and culture. You will need to know about every president from Washington to Obama, various events from the Santa Maria to the American Civil War to the twin tower terrorist attacks.
  4. World Factbook - Mobile version of popular CIA World Factbook. Application provides facts, information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for about 250 world countries.


  1. Alchemy Classic - This app is  a puzzle in that allows you to explore and build your own surroundings. You will uncover many secrets that concern the true nature of all things. Alchemy Classic gives players a unique chance to become a real explorer and creator!
  2. Basic Sciences - 100Q Quiz - Can you answer 100 questions on basic science? 
  3. Sky Map - Sky Map turns your Android-powered device into a window on the night sky.
  4. 3D Brain - Use your touch screen to rotate and zoom around the interactive brain structures. Discover how each brain region functions, what happens when it is injured, and how it is involved in mental illness. Each detailed structure comes with information on functions, disorders, brain damage, case studies, and links to modern research.
  5. Periodic Droid - The most complete, customizable, Chemistry Periodic Table of Elements available for your Android.
  6. Solar System - Q Fact Book - This book provides fun facts about our solar system main celestial objects. It also calculates your weight on the different planets and the Sun and the current distance to our Star.

Creative Arts

  1. Steamy Windows - Get your phone steamy with this fun new app. The steam covers the whole screen and you can wipe it off again with your fingers.
  2. Kids Paint Free -Draw beautiful art with random color! Shake the device to clear screen. You can also take picture, import photo, and save the drawing to the photo gallery!
  3. Music Sheet Workout - This app displays notes on a music sheet and your job is to identify them as fast as you can, improving your music sheet reading speed.
  4. PicsArt for Kids - PicsArt Kids edition combines 3 applications in one: Drawing - * Coloring - * Learning how to draw

Special Needs

  1. Number Sequence - Let your child learn numbers recognition through this app. Learning about numbers is a preschooler’s first step.  This app is a part of Shanesh COLORS app series designed for kids on autism spectrum.
  2. Map Me - This special needs app can be used to learn the shape and location of the states as well. During the activity, the learner will be presented with four choices per round to choose the state that he or she is being asked for. For a correct answer, the student will be reinforced with a brief animation.
  3. Recycle Hero - Recycle Hero is aimed at young kids to help them understand that where we put our trash is important. The action lies in swiping the correct trash items into the proper receptacles; one handles plastics, another handles organics, etc.
  4. Alphabets Upper Case - This is a 3D animation app developed for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In this app, we are teaching how to identify capital letters
  5. My Words Lite - In this app, you are given three parts: a training, a trial, and an end reward. During the training, you will see all the words being identified in this session. During the trial, you will be asked to pick from four choices to select the word the app is asking for. Answers will yield an animation depending on how you answer.
  6. iLNE Spell 1 L - Let your child learn to spell calendar months and week days through this app. This app teaches spelling of calendar months - January, February,… as well as week days – Monday, Tuesday, …
  7. iLNE Spell 2 L - This app teaches to spell colors and shapes in an interactive way. 
    ‘iLNE Spell 2’ utilizes ABA method of intervention delivery to children with developmental disabilities, special education needs or Autism.



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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