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Middle and High School Projects


Middle and High School Projects

Links Verified on 1/3/2018

  1. Annenberg/CPB Exhibits Collection - High school Interactive Math and Science learning exhibits inspired by the video series in the Annenberg/CPB Multimedia Collection. Ten complete units in a variety of areas, with more to come.
  2. @rt Junction - structured virtual environment within which teachers and students can pursue artistic and educational goals through the activities, projects, and resources offered through this site.
  3. Business Math & Economics - lesson plans and activities
  4. The Digital Classroom - (History and Civics) - provides materials from the National Archives and methods for teaching with primary sources .Activities and training for educators and students are also located here.
  5. Discovery Award - Explore unsung heroes in history and win $10,000 from the Lowell Milken Center [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  6. Fermilab Leadership Institute Integrating Internet, Instruction and Curriculum - engaged learning student investigations on real-world issues
  7. Food Timeline - Ever wonder what the Vikings ate when they set off to explore the new world? How Thomas Jefferson made his ice cream? What the pioneers cooked along the Oregon Trail? Who invented the potato chip...and why? Food is the fun part of social studies! Explore the Food Timeline!
  8. Giddyup: The World of Horses - Ready for an on-line horse ride through cyberspace? Check out these terrific sites about horse history, equestrian sports, and more. Answer the questions after visiting each site to complete the crossword puzzle.
  9. Locating climate and weather data and information from the NOAA Climate Diagnostics Center
  10. Major Document Collections from the Avalon Project at the Yale Law School - A good source for Primary Sources. Look through The Federalist papers, check out the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, or many other collections of documents.
  11. More Ideas Than You'll Ever Use for Book Reports
  12. National Geographic Education - This huge and growing site for geography educators and students contains more than a hundred original lesson plans and after-school activities for grades K-12, an outline map atlas with more than 1,800 free maps designed for printing or building Web sites, forums where teachers and students can discuss geography, and a 3-D virtual museum of geography built in the spirit of the game Myst .
  13. Project Based Learning for the 21st Century - project index
  14. Science Learning Network - Join the educators in their ongoing collaborative projects.
  15. This Day in History - presented by The History Channel.
  16. Virtual field trips posted at Internet4Classrooms

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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