Portal Sites
Links verified on 2/15/2023
- Digital Resources Library from the Kennedy Center - helps educators to teach in, through and about the arts
- EconEdLink from the National Council on Economic Education - Explore the connections between economics and real-world issues
- Education from National Geographic - The home of geography standards on the Internet
- EDSITEment from the National Endowment for the Humanities - Subject-based access to top humanities sites
- Illuminations by NCTM - Gateway to Standards-Based Mathematics Education
- Read - Write - Think - ReadWriteThink, established in April of 2002, is a partnership between the International Reading Association (IRA), the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).
- Science NetLinks from the American Association for the Advancement of Science - a comprehensive "homepage" for K-12 science educators
- Smithsonian's History Explorer - History Explorer's resources focus on learning history by "reading" objects for the stories they hold about the nation and its many peoples. Learning activities feature artifacts selected from over 3 million items in the Museum's collections
- Wonderopolis - Wonderopolis, a place where wonder and learning are nurtured through the power of discovery, creativity and imagination. Wonderopolis is brought to life by the National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL).
Don't Miss These!
- Early Learning HQ - hundreds of foundation stage/phase and key stage one resources that are all free to download; resources to assist early years practitioners and to inspire and educate the children whom they teach
- Personal Educational Press - Create free educational worksheets such as flashcards, game boards, and quizzes to print directly from your browser. Make tracing sheets, quizzes, study sheets, word lists, bingo cards, word scrambles, word searches and more!
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