Monthly Newsletter
Issue 132 |
Autism Awareness Month,
National School Library Month,
World Health Day,
Paul Revere's Ride,
Earth Day,
Hubble Telescope Launched
Greetings. Thanks so much for using Internet4Classrooms with your students and children. Our mission is to help you find the best educational online resources available to meet your individual needs. Our monthly newsletter focuses on sharing information, tips, and ideas on everything related to schooling inside the classroom and at home. Each month we will feature resources and information on a variety of topics. We are constantly updating
information on our site and urge you to visit often.
Keep in Touch
If you need help, please email us. We answer questions about almost any subject matter/grade level. We feel that this is a very important part of Internet4Classrooms. Internet4Classrooms
is maintained and built for educators, parents, and students and this site is yours. Comments and suggestions are appreciated and welcomed. Don't be afraid to email and ask.
Follow us on Twitter (internet4classr).
Stay up to date with offerings and new sources/links for great educational and technology information for you, your students, and children.
We are also on Facebook (internet4classr).
Like our page, read and share our posts, and comment as you wish.
We're now on Pinterest.(internet4classr) Check our page for pins on classroom, educational, teacher tips, and organizational ideas.
This month's blog is
Education at Home: 8 Tips for Success as a "Reluctant Homeschool Administrator" During Covid-19

Are you a "Reluctant Homeschool Administrator"?
The new "shelter in place" paradigm is hard on everyone - especially
children. Routines have been completely disrupted; discipline and
social structure turned upside down; uncertainty looms and so many
questions remain unanswered.
Distance learning sounds like a great solution, but it's not easy
and fraught with a lack of accountability. Everyone's hoping it will
work, but thoughts keep returning of a school year ending with zero or
negative outcomes for a large number of children and families...
Even with successful distance learning - who knew you'd essentially
be reduced to homeschooling your kids and on the front line as the
primary responsible adult for accountability of outcomes. You are
now... a "Reluctant Homeschool Administrator."
Have faith: The greatest opportunities are born out of adversity.
You and your kids can wind up far, far ahead on the other side of
this. You just need a bit of hope and the start of a plan. Once you
get things moving, there will be progress and a feeling of purpose.
Once things get moving, you can adjust and optimize. Things will get
better quickly instead of those current feelings that collapse is
These 8 Tips will help you get started towards a better outcome as
a "Reluctant Homeschool Administrator."
Guest Blogger Bill Franklin, the CEO of Internet4Classrooms, is our
guest blogger this month. He has been on the faculty at The George
University, has years of platform instructional experience, was a
career Army Special Operations officer and also has over a decade of
experience as a youth sports coach.
Things To Celebrate This Month |
April brings Autism Awareness Month, National School Library Month, World Health Day, Passover, Easter, Earth Day, and much more. You never know what wonderful resources you can find to enrich your classroom experience. Let's get started:
Autism Awareness Month
National School Library Month
World Health Day (4/7)
Passover Begins (4/8)
Easter (4/12)
Paul Revere Rides and Revolutionary War Begins (4/18-19/1775)
Earth Day (4/22)
Hubble Telescope launched (4/25/1990)
Internet4Classrooms now offers Online Practice Tests and Interactives, covering Kindergarten to Sixth Grade Common Core Mathematics. Look for a rapidly growing variety of thousands of practice quizzes tied to the Common Core State Standards, School Subjects, Activities, and Holidays.
New Online Practice Quizzes Made Available in AUGUSTWe have released many new online quizzes during the last months supporting the Common Core Standards.
Try them out, and then use them with your students as: - Bell Ringers,
- In Class Assignments,
- Homework or
- Extra Credit.
Here is a list of the newest quizzes by grade.
Internet4Classrooms now offers printables, covering Kindergarten to Sixth Grade Mathematics. Look for a rapidly growing variety of thousands of practice worksheets tied to the Common Core State Standards, School Subjects, Activities, and Holidays.
New Printables Worksheets Made Available in AUGUSTWe have released thousands of new printables worksheets during the last months supporting the Common Core Standards.
Try them out, and then use them with your students as: - Bell Ringers,
- In Class Assignments,
- Homework or
- Extra Credit.
Here is a list of the newest worksheet sets by grade:
New Worksheet Answer Keys Made Available in AUGUST
We have released thousands of new answer keys for our printables worksheets during the last months supporting the Common Core Standards.
Remember that you can sign up for answer key access here:
Here is a list of the newest answer key sets by grade:
Every month we are going to feature a different iPad/iPod/iPhone educational application.
Visit our ever-changing app page. (
The App of the Month for April is Stop Motion Studio By Cateater, LLC ( iOS / Android ).
Get Stop Motion Studio, the world's easiest app to get you into stop
motion moviemaking today!
As seen on Apple's TV commercial "Life on iPad."
Stop Motion Studio: Check out the buzz...
"Stop-motion animation is a great way to bring toys and other objects
to life - and learn the basics of filmmaking."
The New York Times
"Stop Motion Studio makes it easy to create your own stop-motion
The Washington Post
"All you need is an iPhone or iPad, a tripod, the right software,
and a bit of creativity."
"Stop Motion Studio Brings Out the LEGO Moviemaking Geek in All of
With it's easy to use interface Stop Motion Studio lets you create
beautiful movies like Wallace and Gromit or those groovy Lego shorts
on YouTube.
It's simple to use, deceptively powerful and insanely fun to play with.
Stop Motion Studio is a powerful, full-featured movie editor with a
whole host of features:
- A simplistic, easy-to-use interface
- Overlay mode showing the differences between frames
- Animation guides to position animated objects more easily
- Copy, paste, cut, and insert frames at any position
- Interactive timeline so you never get lost, even if you have
hundreds of frames
Create beautiful movies:
- Choose from a whole lot of unique titles, credits, and text
cards or create your very own with the built-in editor
- Give your movie the perfect look with different video filters
- Enhance your movie with different foregrounds, backgrounds, aspect
ratios, and fade effects
- Create a soundtrack using built-in music, sound effects, songs
from your music library, or your narration
- Rotoscoping: Import video clips and create stunning animations by
drawing over it.
- Green Screen: Change the background of your scene to make the
figures you capture fly or appear anywhere you can imagine.
- Connect a keyboard and use simple shortcuts to edit movies quickly
Capture like a pro:
- Capture with an adjustable time interval feature
- Full camera control with automatic or manual white balance, focus
and exposure, ISO and shutter speed
- Use a second device as a remote camera
- Use your Apple Watch as a remote shutter release
- Use with your Wifi-enabled DSLR camera**
Powerful, built-in layer-based image editor:
- Add text and speech bubbles or create titles
- Add facial expressions to LEGO® figures
- Touch up and enhance images, sketch, and paint
- Wipe away unwanted objects with the eraser tool
- Merge frames to simulate fast movement
Share with friends and family:
- Save to your photo library or share to YouTube in 4K or 1080p
- Save as iMessage sticker or animated GIF
- Save all images for further processing
- Easily transfer projects between devices using AirDrop, Dropbox or
- Start creating on your mobile device and continue right where you
left off on your Mac
- Publish movies on Stop Motion TV for everyone to see
Stop Motion Studio is available for Apple and Android devices.
Compatibility: Requires iOS 9.0 or later on Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch and Android version 5.0 and up on your Android device.
Focus On: Teacher Resources |
Internet4Classrooms offers a wide variety of informative online resources, tips, tools, and tutorials regarding your classroom needs. There is always something you can utilize with your students. Each month we'll feature a few links to useful topics.
Many historical events happened this month which you can cover in your classroom. Check out I4C's History page for lesson plans, videos, activities, and other resources to supplement your lessons.
Get all of your assessment assistance needs here sorted by grade and subject.
Need online interactive games and activities to reinforce the day's lessons? We have it.Kids can practice in the computer labs and at home.
School may be in full swing but teachers still need organizational help, worksheet ideas, bulletin board inspiration, and lesson plans throughout the year. Our Teacher tools page has it all.
April is Autism Awareness Month, and we know it's becoming more recognized in our children and classrooms. Browse our Autism Classroom resources as well as parent guides. Our Exceptional Children area also combines teacher tools for ADHD, Dyslexia, Gifted, and other learning and behavior disorders.
Why was there a Midnight Ride? Watch this great video of how kids describe Paul Revere and the Longfellow Poem "Paul Revere's Ride."
This Earth Day, find fun activities, projects, and lesson plans you can use on our Earth Day resource page. We also have great Earth Science resources for you to use in your classroom.
We now have answer guides for our Common Core Math Printables. Request teacher access here.
Remember to visit our Teacher Tools section. This homepage contains all the topics you may need to use during the school year.
Common Core State Standards
Check out our Common Core English Language Arts Standards. Each Grade Level is full of resources for every individual standard. Students can take control of their own learning by clicking on the page with the standard number, and choosing their own resource to practice that skill. Click on your Grade Level to find English Language Arts Standard Resources and learning tools.
Also, check out our Common Core Math Standards. It's hard to find sites that have math standards examples that follow the specific criteria, but they're here. Click on your Grade Level to find Math Standard Resources and learning tools.
Focus On: Parent Resources |
In addition to our teachers, parents can take advantage of our online resources as well.
I4C already has Vocabulary Quizzes and Math Quizzes in our ACT/SAT Test Preparation Guide.
We're looking for new ideas for quizzes and informational resources that you'd feel are useful to you and your students. Please email us and let us know what you could use to make your teaching experience better.
Write to:
Tech Tip #1: Coronavirus Distance Learning & Virtual Teaching Tips

As if your job wasn't already stressful enough, having less than a
week to prepare for indefinite long distance learning certainly adds
another badge of honor on your hero cape. If you've been encouraged
to develop plans for e-learning or your classes or already canceled,
let's help load your ever-growing teacher toolbox with some ideas
and tips.
Learn more in the article found: HERE.
Tech Tip #2: Distance Learning Tips for Teachers

Teachers everywhere are transitioning to distance learning due to the
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. Many teachers started last week and
many teachers are just coming off spring break and starting very
soon. This article presents distance learning tips for teachers after
a week in the trenches.
Learn more by visiting: HERE.
Tech Tip #3: 20 Free Tech Tools for Online Teaching

If you're looking for intuitive, practical, and FREE ed tech tools
for online teaching during this pandemic, this article contains 20
tried-and-true favorites. The article lists FREE and manageable
websites, extensions, and apps that won't take you forever to learn
and will work well for this kind of emergency remote learning
You can find out more: HERE.
| is an educational portal for teachers, parents, homeschoolers and students. Visitors come from around the world to find Internet resources for their educational needs. One can find resources ranging from lesson plans to worksheets, individual grade level resources to templates, and even interactive learning games. We were very honored when one teacher called the site a "Walmart for Teachers". If you cannot find what you need for instruction on any topic, please
email us and we will help you find resources to fit your needs.
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