Monthly Newsletter Issue 92 |
Read a New Book Month,
Special Education Day,
13th Amendment (Abolishing Slavery),
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day,
Emily Dickinson's Birthday,
National Cocoa Day,
Bill of Rights Day,
Ludwig van Beethoven's Birthday,
Boston Tea Party,
First Day of Winter,
Greetings. Thanks so much for using Internet4Classrooms with your students and children. Our mission is to help you find the best educational online resources available to meet your individual needs. Our monthly newsletter focuses on sharing information, tips, and ideas on everything related to schooling inside the classroom and at home. Each month we will feature resources and information on a variety of topics. We are constantly updating
information on our site and urge you to visit often.
Keep in Touch
If you need help, please email us. We answer questions about almost any subject matter/grade level. We feel that this is a very important part of Internet4Classrooms. Internet4Classrooms
is maintained and built for educators, parents, and students and this site is yours. Comments and suggestions are appreciated and welcomed. Don't be afraid to email and ask.
Follow us on Twitter (internet4classr).
Stay up to date with offerings and new sources/links for great educational and technology information for you, your students, and children.
We are also on Facebook (internet4classr).
Like our page, read and share our posts, and comment as you wish.
We're now on Pinterest.(internet4classr) Check our page for pins on classroom, educational, teacher tips, and organizational ideas.
This month's blog is
How Not to Burn Out as a First Year Teacher
Teaching is not for the weak. It is a hard job and even the most
resilient and passionate teachers can feel a little burnt out after
a while. As a first year teacher, you might not be thinking that
burning out is a possibility, but it happens. That's why we've
gathered these tips to help you prevent the burn out and keep
your passion for teaching strong.
Guest Blogger BLaura Carter writes for the Higher Education blog at She loves sharing
her knowledge with other educators and is passionate about
learning new languages.
Things To Celebrate This Month |
December brings Read a New Book Month, Special Education Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and much more. You never know what wonderful resources you can find to enrich your classroom experience. Let's get started:
Read a New Book Month - What book are you going to read this month? To help you find a new book, Scholastic has a compilation of book lists ranging over many subjects. I4C also has
a collection of stories for elementary students, library resources, information on physical and virtual libraries, grade level help with reading and literature, and reading assessment practice.
Special Education Day (12/2) - I4C offers a whole section of Exceptional Children resources, including Special Education for the classroom, teachers, and parents. Take advantage of tools on Autism, ADHD, Gifted, and Learning Disorders.
13th Amendment abolishing slavery, ratified (12/6/1865) - Today, the 13th Amendment of the Constitution was ratified, which abolished slavery and involuntary servitude. I4C has resources about slavery for elementary schoolers
(plus Here), and middle schoolers and check out this link to find Civil War resources.
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (12/7/1941) - Remember the attack on Pearl Harbor in your history lessons today. From Scholastic, meet witnesses, view a timeline of the events leading up to Pearl Harbor, and find a Pearl Harbor teaching guide.
Use Primary and Secondary Sources to identify conclusions based on the event. View videos, use interactive maps, and find other World War II resources for your lesson from
the History Channel.
Emily Dickinson's Birthday (12/10/1830) - Celebrate Emily Dickinson's birthday by learning about poetry. I4C has multiple Poetry resources throughout our site: Elementary Poetry, Middle/High School Poetry, Poetic Overviews and Poetic Devices,
Poetic Terms, Analyzing Poetry, and Rhyme and Rhythm, including
Lower School Rhyming.
National Cocoa Day (12/12) - We already know chocolate is delicious, but did you know it also makes for great lesson plan topics? Celebrate National Cocoa Day in your classroom. I4C has chocolate themed activities and lesson plans,
chocolate recipes, and lesson plans based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Bill of Rights Day (12/15) - The Bill of Rights are the first ten amendments to the Constitution, guaranteeing our personal freedoms as U.S. citizens. Today, read the Bill of Rights on the National Archives website and find educator resources from the Bill of Rights Institute. I4C also has Bill of Rights resources like games, quizzes, and lesson plans for fourth graders and eighth graders (plus Here).
Ludwig van Beethoven's Birthday (12/16/1770) - Did you know that in Beethoven's later life, he was completely deaf yet continued to compose music? Learn about Beethoven's life and works and find resources for classical music and other types of music on
I4C's Music Resource page.
Boston Tea Party (12/16/1773) - On this day in 1773, Sam Adams led the Sons of Liberty, disguised as Mohawk Indians, to British Ships at port in the Boston Harbor and dumped the ships' tea into the water. Learn about the Boston Tea Party from the History Channel and
check out these great resources about the Revolutionary War from Mr. Nussbaum.
First Day of Winter (12/21) - Did you know that today is the shortest day of the year? Find out what causes the seasons, what animals do in the winter, and explore how the environment adapts to winter. Here are some great winter themed math worksheets for elementary school and
classroom crafts and activities to use today. Scroll down this page to the bottom to find winter-themed math worksheets.
Hanukkah (1/24-1/1) - Happy Hanukkah. Check out I4C's Hanukkah page to learn about the holiday and to find games, activities, recipes, and songs to celebrate Hanukkah.
Christmas (12/25) - Celebrate Christmas with Interent4Classrooms. Our Christmas page has fun resources like activities, crafts, recipes and even a Santa tracker. Don't forget that you can EMAIL Santa Claus too.
Kwanzaa (12/26-1/1) - Kwanzaa is filled with meanings and customs rooted in African culture. Originally signifying a harvest celebration, Kwanzaa has become a communal holiday by reinforcing strong ties and a feeling of "oneness" during this week-long celebration. Enjoy our Kwanzaa page containing definitions, customs, activities, reading passages, and recipes that make this holiday special.
Internet4Classrooms now offers Online Practice Tests and Interactives, covering Kindergarten to Sixth Grade Common Core Mathematics. Look for a rapidly growing variety of thousands of practice quizzes tied to the Common Core State Standards, School Subjects, Activities, and Holidays.
New Online Practice Quizzes Made Available in NOVEMBERWe have released many new online quizzes during the last month supporting the Common Core Standards.
Try them out, and then use them with your students as: - Bell Ringers,
- In Class Assignments,
- Homework or
- Extra Credit.
Here is a list of new quizzes by grade.
Internet4Classrooms now offers printables, covering Kindergarten to Sixth Grade Mathematics. Look for a rapidly growing variety of thousands of practice worksheets tied to the Common Core State Standards, School Subjects, Activities, and Holidays.
New Printables Worksheets Made Available in NOVEMBERWe have released many new printables worksheets during the last month supporting the Common Core Standards.
Try them out, and then use them with your students as: - Bell Ringers,
- In Class Assignments,
- Homework or
- Extra Credit.
Here is a list of new worksheet sets by grade:
New Worksheet Answer Keys Made Available in NOVEMBER
We have released many new answer keys for our printables worksheets during the last month supporting the Common Core Standards.
Remember that you can sign up for answer key access here:
Here is a list of new answer key sets by grade:
Every month we are going to feature a different, and hopefully FREE, iPad/iPod/iPhone educational application.
Visit our ever-changing app page. (
The App of the Month for December is Instructables ( iOS / Android ). Need an inspiring demonstration or build activity for class? Try Instructables: From useful and entertaining how-tos and hacks, to delicious recipes and outrageous inventions, Instructables is the place to explore, document, and share your creations.
With over 100k tutorials in technology, workshop, living, and more, we have the largest collection of do-it-yourself projects created by others just like you.
Instructables is available for both Apple and Android devices.
Compatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later (Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch) and the Android 2.3 and up on your Android device.
Focus On: Teacher Resources |
Internet4Classrooms offers a wide variety of informative online resources, tips, tools, and tutorials regarding your classroom needs. There is always something you can utilize with your students. Each month we'll feature a few links to useful topics.
Many historical events happened this month which you can cover in your classroom. Check out I4C's History page for lesson plans, videos, activities, and other resources to supplement your lessons.
Get all of your assessment assistance needs here sorted by grade and subject.
Need online interactive games and activities to reinforce the day's lessons? We have it.Kids can practice in the computer labs and at home.
School may be in full swing but teachers still need organizational help, worksheet ideas, bulletin board inspiration, and lesson plans throughout the year. Our Teacher tools page has it all.
Are you using our Site Map? Don't forget it's an easy and quick way to search alphabetically by topic.
This month is Read a New Book Month - what a great time to get your students interested in reading. To help your students find a new book, Scholastic has a compilation of book lists ranging over many subjects. Check out this article on how to keep your students reading over Winter Break. I4C also has a collection of stories for elementary students, library resources,
information on physical and virtual libraries, grade level help with reading and literature, and
reading assessment practice.
I4C offers a whole section of Exceptional Children resources, including Special Education for the classroom, teachers, and parents. Take advantage of tools on Autism, ADHD, Gifted, and Learning Disorders.
Be sure to check out I4C's holiday pages to find resources for your classroom. We have Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa pages for you to use.
Looking for lesson plans to bring in the new year? We have a whole page dedicated to lesson plans by grades and subjects.
Want to make sure your class takes home extra help with math? We have online games for every topic from fractions to graphs, money, place value, and measurement. Find it by grade here.
We've got online English games for Language Arts subjects too. I4C also has skill builders for: Contractions, sentence structure, capitalization and punctuation, reading comprehension, and phonics to name a few.
We have great Language Arts resources to help you plan for the 3rd 9 week period. Find writing resources for elementary school, middle school, and high school. We also have resources about comparing and contrasting and story elements
( 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade). Be sure to look at our Grade Level Help page to find more resources to use in your classroom.
Teach your students the wonders of poetry. Find poems about Christmas, Hanukkah, and winter here. I4C also has multiple poetry resources throughout our site: Elementary Poetry, Middle/High School Poetry,
Poetic Overviews and Poetic Devices, Poetic Terms, Analyzing Poetry, and
Rhyme and Rhythm, including Lower School Rhyming.
We now have answer guides for our Common Core Math Printables. Request teacher access here.
Remember to visit our Teacher Tools section. This homepage contains all the topics you may need to use during the school year.
Common Core State Standards
Check out our Common Core English Language Arts Standards. Each Grade Level is full of resources for every individual standard. Students can take control of their own learning by clicking on the page with the standard number, and choosing their own resource to practice that skill. Click on your Grade Level to find English Language Arts Standard Resources and learning tools.
Also, check out our Common Core Math Standards. It's hard to find sites that have math standards examples that follow the specific criteria, but they're here. Click on your Grade Level to find Math Standard Resources and learning tools.
Focus On: Parent Resources |
In addition to our teachers, parents can take advantage of our online resources as well.
Parents need help too. Not only can you browse all the teaching tools, but there's a Parent Zone as well so families can continue the education at home. Every student needs practice outside of the classroom.
Math and reading
seem to be the most challenging when it comes to homework. Check out our math resources page for extensive help. Reading tools develop those language arts skills.
Vocabulary and math quizzes are typically the dreaded end of the week activity. Give your kids more confidence with our free online vocabulary and math quiz practice. The more they study the more comfortable they will feel, while increasing their knowledge for future ACT and SAT testing.
While the kids are at home, have them practice their reading while feeling like they're playing computer games. Our SkillBuilders Language section has online stories, organized by grade.
Make your own worksheets - scroll to the bottom of our teacher tools page. It's a great way to keep the daily lessons fresh in their minds. If you're feeling adventurous we also have crosswords and puzzles you can customize too.
Reinforce great school habits by creating fun awards to hand out at home. This page has a ton of sites that help you create any type of award you can think of.
Get the kids dancing at home with our music resources page. Super fun on a cold winter day.
This month is Read a New Book Month and is a great time to get your kids interested in reading. Here are 10 great tips to help make reading fun and Scholastic has great children's book lists and reading resources for parents.
Teach your children about different winter holidays and find resources for the holidays you celebrate. I4C has Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa pages.
On December 12th, it's National Cocoa Day. We have chocolate themed activities, chocolate recipes, and activities based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for you to do with your child.
Want to reinforce a concept with your child? Check out our Grade Level Skill Help page for tons of resources in math and language arts covering a variety of topics.
Parents, check out I4C's Exceptional Children resources, including a Special Education page as well as resources on Autism, ADHD, Gifted, and Learning Disorders.
I4C already has Free Vocabulary Quizzes and Free Math Quizzes in our ACT/SAT Test Preparation Guide.
We're looking for new ideas for quizzes and informational resources that you'd feel are useful to you and your students. Please email us and let us know what you could use to make your teaching experience better.
Write to:
Tech Tip #1: Left-Click, Right-Click and Shift Clicks
When you left-click an icon on the Taskbar, it opens the app the icon belongs to. When you right-click an icon on the Taskbar, it shows you the jumplist and a few quick actions you can perform.
Learn about these features and more: HERE.
Tech Tip #2: Work a virtual client - LogMeIn
Imagine you are on your way to work and you realize that you forgot to email yourself a work-related document that you’ve been working on at home, and you didn’t upload it to Google Docs either. No problem, you can use a virtual client like LogMeIn.
You can find out more about LogMeIn: HERE.
Tech Tip #3: Get Google results in bigger chunks
If you use Google a lot, chances are you've experienced the frustration that stems from clicking the Next button to go to the next page of search results. What makes it worse is that Google’s default number of results per page is only 10. In no time at all you’re at the bottom of the page clicking Next again. The good news: you can bypass this limitation by using Google’s advanced search feature,
Find more about Google Advanced Search: HERE.
| is a free educational portal for teachers, parents, homeschoolers and students. Visitors come from around the world to find Internet resources for their educational needs. One can find resources ranging from lesson plans to worksheets, individual grade level resources to templates, and even interactive learning games. We were very honored when one teacher called the site a "Walmart for Teachers". If you cannot find what you need for instruction on any topic, please feel free to
email us and we will help you find resources to fit your needs.
 Susan |