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SAT/ACT Vocabulary List for 07/03/2010

SAT/ACT Vocabulary List for 07/03/2010

Here is today's word list:

  • abhorrence (n.): The act of detesting extremely.
  • adduce (v.): To bring forward or name for consideration.
  • alternate (n.): One chosen to act in place of another, in case of the absence or incapacity of that other.
  • antistrophe (n.): The inversion of terms in successive classes, as in: the home of joy and the joy of home.
  • astute (adj.): Keen in discernment.
  • benefactor (n.): A doer of kindly and charitable acts.
  • brittle (adj.): Fragile.
  • censor (n.): An official examiner of manuscripts empowered to prohibit their publication.;
  • commitment (n.): The act or process of entrusting or consigning for safe-keeping.
  • consecutive (adj.): Following in uninterrupted succession.;
  • corrosive (n.): That which causes gradual decay by crumbling or surface disintegration.;
  • decimal (adj.): Founded on the number 10.
  • derivation (n.): That process by which a word is traced from its original root or primitive form and meaning.
  • discord (n.): Absence of harmoniousness.
  • dolorous (adj.): Expressing or causing sorrow or pain.;
  • embark (v.): To make a beginning in some occupation or scheme.
  • equivalent (adj.): Equal in value, force, meaning, or the like.
  • explode (v.): To cause to burst in pieces by force from within.;
  • fissure (n.): A crack or crack-like depression.;
  • frugal (adj.): Economical.
  • gratuitous (adj.): Voluntarily.
  • hospitable (adj.): Disposed to treat strangers or guests with generous kindness.
  • impermissible (adj.): Not permissible.
  • indict (v.): To find and declare chargeable with crime.
  • insensible (adj.): Imperceptible.
  • invective (n.): An utterance intended to cast censure, or reproach.
  • knavery (n.): Deceitfulness in dealing.
  • liquor (n.): Any alcoholic or intoxicating liquid.
  • manifesto (n.): A public declaration, making announcement, explanation or defense of intentions, or motives.
  • militia (n.): Those citizens, collectively, who are enrolled and drilled in temporary military organizations.
  • mulatto (n.): The offspring of a white person and a black person.;
  • nostrum (n.): Any scheme or recipe of a charlatan character.
  • opportunist (n.): One who takes advantage of circumstances to gain his ends.
  • pandemic (adj.): Affecting a whole people or all classes, as a disease.
  • pentagon (n.): A figure, especially, with five angles and five sides.
  • photometry (n.): The art of measuring the intensity of light.
  • practicable (adj.): Feasible.
  • probe (v.): To search through and through.
  • punctilious (adj.): Strictly observant of the rules or forms prescribed by law or custom.
  • reconcilable (adj.): Capable of being adjusted or harmonized.
  • repetition (n.): The act of repeating.
  • rotund (adj.): Round from fullness or plumpness.
  • sensorium (n.): The sensory apparatus.
  • specialize (v.): To assume an individual or specific character, or adopt a singular or special course.
  • succumb (v.): To cease to resist.
  • temporal (adj.): Pertaining to or concerned with the affairs of the present life.
  • transmute (v.): To change in nature, substance, or form.
  • unify (v.): To cause to be one.
  • vicarious (adj.): Suffered or done in place of or for the sake of another.
  • zeitgeist (n.): The intellectual and moral tendencies that characterize any age or epoch.

How To Master These Words

  1. Create or buy a notebook. It can be named SAT/ACT Vocabulary Notebook or you can create your own name. You will be keeping your weekly words, definitions and assignments in this notebook.
  2. Write the words and definitions in your vocabulary notebook.
  3. Create your own sentence using each word and write this in your vocabulary notebook.
  4. Make Flashcards - Write the word on one side of an index card and put the definition and a sentence on the opposite side. You can find ideas for making flashcards on the Internet by clicking on the link: Resources showing how to create your own flashcards.
  5. Online Flashcard Game: Go to this site. lingro.com. Click on "wordlist" at the top of the page. Then click on "create new wordlist." Enter your word list for the week. When finished, click on "games" at the top of the page. Then click on "flashcards" and select your list. See if you can name the definition on each word before clicking on it to see the answer.
  6. Use this dictionary link to check the pronounciation of each word. Type each word in the box on the left, then click the sound icon to listen.
  7. Use TokBox to practice saying the words aloud. Register to get a free account. Click on "Send a Video Message." A box will open to set up your computer microphone and camera. Click "allow". Press the red "Record" button to begin. Press the "Stop" button when you are finished. Once you have practiced saying the words and recording it, send the video you created to your email account and listen to your video message. Send it to your parents' email account also to show them what you are learning.
  8. Create your own crossword puzzle. Click on this link. Enter your words and your clues (definition), then click "Create Crossword Now." A new web page will appear. You can put a title on your puzzle if you wish, then click "Create Crossword." Print this out and complete the puzzle. Insert the completed work in your vocabulary notebook.



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