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SAT/ACT Vocabulary List for 08/04/2010

SAT/ACT Vocabulary List for 08/04/2010

Here is today's word list:

  • abstinence (n.): Self denial.
  • aeronaut (n.): One who navigates the air, a balloonist.
  • amusement (n.): Diversion.
  • aqueduct (n.): A water-conduit, particularly one for supplying a community from a distance.
  • autocracy (n.): Absolute government.
  • bide (v.): To await.
  • butte (n.): A conspicuous hill, low mountain, or natural turret, generally isolated.
  • christen (v.): To name in baptism.
  • compression (n.): Constraint, as by force or authority.
  • contemporaneous (adj.): Living, occurring, or existing at the same time.
  • craving (n.): A vehement desire.
  • defraud (v.): To deprive of something dishonestly.
  • detriment (n.): Something that causes damage, depreciation, or loss.
  • dispossess (v.): To deprive of actual occupancy, especially of real estate.
  • duplex (adj.): Having two parts.
  • encore (n.): The call for a repetition, as of some part of a play or performance.
  • evert (v.): To turn inside out.
  • extremity (n.): The utmost point, side, or border, or that farthest removed from a mean position.;
  • foppery (n.): Dandyism.
  • gamble (v.): To risk money or other possession on an event, chance, or contingency.
  • hackney (v.): To make stale or trite by repetition.;
  • ichthyic (adj.): Fish-like.
  • impudence (n.): Insolent disrespect.
  • inexhaustible (adj.): So large or furnishing so great a supply as not to be emptied, wasted, or spent.
  • integrity (n.): Uprightness of character and soundness of moral principle.
  • irrefragable (adj.): That can not be refuted or disproved.
  • laudation (n.): High praise.
  • lordling (n.): A little lord.
  • mausoleum (n.): A tomb of more than ordinary size or architectural pretensions.
  • misplace (v.): To put into a wrong place.
  • nauseous (adj.): Loathsome.
  • obliterate (v.): To cause to disappear.
  • oscillate (v.): To swing back and forth.
  • parliament (n.): A legislative body.
  • permeate (v.): To pervade.
  • plausible (adj.): Seeming likely to be true, though open to doubt.
  • preestablish (v.): To settle or arrange beforehand.
  • prolong (v.): To extend in time or duration.;
  • querulous (adj.): Habitually complaining.
  • reflectible (adj.): Capable of being turned back.
  • reservoir (n.): A receptacle where a quantity of some material, especially of a liquid or gas, may be kept.
  • sapient (adj.): Possessing wisdom.
  • shrinkage (n.): A contraction of any material into less bulk or dimension.;
  • statics (n.): The branch of mechanics that treats of the relations that subsist among forces in order.
  • suppress (v.): To prevent from being disclosed or punished.
  • theoretical (adj.): Directed toward knowledge for its own sake without respect to applications.
  • triplicity (n.): The state of being triple or threefold.
  • usurious (adj.): Taking unlawful or exorbitant interest on money loaned.
  • vituperable (adj.): Deserving of censure.

How To Master These Words

  1. Create or buy a notebook. It can be named SAT/ACT Vocabulary Notebook or you can create your own name. You will be keeping your weekly words, definitions and assignments in this notebook.
  2. Write the words and definitions in your vocabulary notebook.
  3. Create your own sentence using each word and write this in your vocabulary notebook.
  4. Make Flashcards - Write the word on one side of an index card and put the definition and a sentence on the opposite side. You can find ideas for making flashcards on the Internet by clicking on the link: Resources showing how to create your own flashcards.
  5. Online Flashcard Game: Go to this site. lingro.com. Click on "wordlist" at the top of the page. Then click on "create new wordlist." Enter your word list for the week. When finished, click on "games" at the top of the page. Then click on "flashcards" and select your list. See if you can name the definition on each word before clicking on it to see the answer.
  6. Use this dictionary link to check the pronounciation of each word. Type each word in the box on the left, then click the sound icon to listen.
  7. Use TokBox to practice saying the words aloud. Register to get a free account. Click on "Send a Video Message." A box will open to set up your computer microphone and camera. Click "allow". Press the red "Record" button to begin. Press the "Stop" button when you are finished. Once you have practiced saying the words and recording it, send the video you created to your email account and listen to your video message. Send it to your parents' email account also to show them what you are learning.
  8. Create your own crossword puzzle. Click on this link. Enter your words and your clues (definition), then click "Create Crossword Now." A new web page will appear. You can put a title on your puzzle if you wish, then click "Create Crossword." Print this out and complete the puzzle. Insert the completed work in your vocabulary notebook.



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