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SAT/ACT Vocabulary List for 09/08/2010

SAT/ACT Vocabulary List for 09/08/2010

Here is today's word list:

  • accuse (v.): To charge with wrong doing, misconduct, or error.
  • albeit (conj. ): Even though.
  • anode (n.): The point where or path by which a voltaic current enters an electrolyte or the like.
  • arrogate (v.): To take, demand, or claim, especially presumptuously or without reasons or grounds.
  • barograph (n.): An instrument that registers graphically and continuously the atmospheric pressure.
  • bombast (n.): Inflated or extravagant language, especially on unimportant subjects.
  • capacious (adj.): Roomy.
  • coerce (v.): To force.
  • confide (v.): To reveal in trust or confidence.
  • convenience (n.): Fitness, as of time or place.
  • cycloid (adj.): Like a circle.
  • demulcent (n.): Any application soothing to an irritable surface
  • dilemma (n.): A situation in which a choice between opposing modes of conduct is necessary.
  • distention (n.): Expansion.;
  • efficiency (n.): The state of possessing adequate skill or knowledge for the performance of a duty.
  • enthrall (v.): To bring or hold under any overmastering influence.
  • exempt (adj.): Free, clear, or released, as from some liability, or restriction affecting others.
  • felicity (n.): A state of well-founded happiness.
  • formula (n.): Fixed rule or set form.
  • giddy (adj.): Affected with a whirling or swimming sensation in the head.
  • heretic (n.): One who holds opinions contrary to the recognized standards or tenets of any philosophy.
  • imitator (n.): One who makes in imitation.;
  • incidence (n.): Casual occurrence.
  • inglorious (adj.): Shameful.
  • intestate (adj.): Not having made a valid will.
  • journalize (v.): To keep a diary.
  • lexicographer (n.): One who makes dictionaries.
  • magistracy (n.): The office or dignity of a magistrate.
  • mesmerize (v.): To hypnotize.
  • monition (n.): Friendly counsel given by way of warning and implying caution or reproof.
  • nestle (v.): To adjust cozily in snug quarters.
  • ode (n.): The form of lyric poetry anciently intended to be sung.
  • overlord (n.): One who holds supremacy over another.
  • peccant (adj.): Guilty.
  • perverse (adj.): Unreasonable.
  • polygon (n.): A figure having many angles.
  • prescript (adj.): Prescribed as a rule or model.
  • protomartyr (n.): The earliest victim in any cause.
  • ravine (n.): A deep gorge or hollow, especially one worn by a stream or flow of water.
  • relegate (v.): To send off or consign, as to an obscure position or remote destination.;
  • retrospect (n.): A view or contemplation of something past.
  • secession (n.): Voluntary withdrawal from fellowship, especially from political or religious bodies.
  • sociable (adj.): Inclined to seek company.
  • subaquatic (adj.): Being, formed, or operating under water.
  • syndicate (n.): An association of individuals united for the prosecution of some enterprise.
  • trait (n.): A distinguishing feature or quality.
  • unavoidable (adj.): Inevitable.
  • velocity (n.): Rapid motion.;
  • well-bred (adj.): Of good ancestry.

How To Master These Words

  1. Create or buy a notebook. It can be named SAT/ACT Vocabulary Notebook or you can create your own name. You will be keeping your weekly words, definitions and assignments in this notebook.
  2. Write the words and definitions in your vocabulary notebook.
  3. Create your own sentence using each word and write this in your vocabulary notebook.
  4. Make Flashcards - Write the word on one side of an index card and put the definition and a sentence on the opposite side. You can find ideas for making flashcards on the Internet by clicking on the link: Resources showing how to create your own flashcards.
  5. Online Flashcard Game: Go to this site. lingro.com. Click on "wordlist" at the top of the page. Then click on "create new wordlist." Enter your word list for the week. When finished, click on "games" at the top of the page. Then click on "flashcards" and select your list. See if you can name the definition on each word before clicking on it to see the answer.
  6. Use this dictionary link to check the pronounciation of each word. Type each word in the box on the left, then click the sound icon to listen.
  7. Use TokBox to practice saying the words aloud. Register to get a free account. Click on "Send a Video Message." A box will open to set up your computer microphone and camera. Click "allow". Press the red "Record" button to begin. Press the "Stop" button when you are finished. Once you have practiced saying the words and recording it, send the video you created to your email account and listen to your video message. Send it to your parents' email account also to show them what you are learning.
  8. Create your own crossword puzzle. Click on this link. Enter your words and your clues (definition), then click "Create Crossword Now." A new web page will appear. You can put a title on your puzzle if you wish, then click "Create Crossword." Print this out and complete the puzzle. Insert the completed work in your vocabulary notebook.



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