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6th Grade Interactive Language Arts Skill Builders


Adjectives and Adverbs - CCSS L.8.1

Links verified on 07/24/2024

1. Adjective Review Game.

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Quia quiz. Find the adjective or predicate adjective in each sentence. SEE MORE
2. Adjectives and Adverbs Quiz.

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10 question quiz. Show your knowledge of adverbs, proper adjectives, indefinite adjectives, possessive noun or pronouns used as an adjective.  SEE MORE
3. Adjectives, Adverbs - English Grammar Exercises.

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Many online exercises and tests on adjectives and adverbs. SEE MORE
4. Adjectives/Adverbs.

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Change the adjectives into adverbs in this online quiz. SEE MORE
5. Adverbs Of Manner.

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Turtle Diary provides three games to play. A lesson is on adverb of manner is included below the list of games. SEE MORE
6. Adverbs.

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Click on the rabbits labeled with an adverb to feed the rabbit fresh greens! SEE MORE
7. All Things Grammar: Adjectives & Adverbs

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Quality ESL grammar worksheets, quizzes and games - from A to Z. (Includes whole class activities and video.) SEE MORE
8. Choose between adjectives and adverbs.

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Choose the word that best describes or modifies the verb in bold SEE MORE
9. Comparative and Superlative Adjectives.

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Select the correct form of the adjective SEE MORE
10. Forming Comparative and Superlative Adjectives.

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Lesson with a ten-question quiz at the bottom of the page SEE MORE
11. Grammar Gorillas.

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Advanced Level - Practice identifying all parts of speech. SEE MORE
12. Identify adjectives.

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Identify the adjective that describes the noun. SEE MORE
13. Parts of Speech Quest 3 - Adjectives.

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The Kingdom of Lingua is in trouble! A dragon attacked. Only an adjective master can help. Can you help? Find all the adjectives in the pyramid. Join the adventure in Parts of Speech Quest 3 - Adjectives! SEE MORE
14. Parts of Speech Quest 4 - Adverbs.

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The Kingdom of Lingua is in trouble! A dragon attacked. Only an adverb master can help. Can you help? Find all the adverbs in the temple. Join the adventure in Parts of Speech Quest 4 - Adverbs! SEE MORE
15. Parts of Speech.

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Decide the parts of speech that should be used to fill in the blanks. SEE MORE
16. Pirate Challenge.

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Look at the problem and picture. From the rows choose one word to make the answer or question. If you are right, you will earn all the coins for your treasure. This game and two others can found under "Grammar games". SEE MORE
17. Sink or Sail.

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To play this grammar game choose your number of players and their names. The game can be timed if you choose. Select your avatar and then get ready to test your knowledge on Adverbs. Will you sink or Sail? SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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