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8th Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Algebraic Functions - CCSS 8.F.A.1, 8.F.A.2, 8.F.A.3, 8.F.B.4, 8.F.B.5

Links verified on 01/10/2023

1. Algebra: Linear Function with Intercepts.

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Choose the best answer for this quiz. Short videos available for guidance when answers are incorrect. SEE MORE
2. Algebra: Linear Function.

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Write equations to show the relationships of variables in word problems. SEE MORE
3. Algebraic Reasoning.

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Learn how to think algebraically with these clever weighing scales. Levels 1 and 2 contain two scales. Level 3 is more difficult and has three scales. Your goal is to determine the weight of one or more of the objects.  SEE MORE
4. Function Machine.

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Students investigate very simple functions by trying to guess the algebraic form from inputs and outputs. (Additional related resources located under the learner tab.)  SEE MORE
5. Linear Function Machine.

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Students investigate linear functions by trying to guess the slope and intercept from inputs and outputs. (Additional related resources located under the learner tab.)  SEE MORE
6. Math Interactives: Patterns.

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Multimedia resource includes interactive math activities, print activities, learning strategies, and videos that illustrate how math is used in everyday life.  SEE MORE
7. Model Algebra.

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Build a model, then find the value of X. Can you solve it? SEE MORE
8. Number Cruncher.

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Lists input and output in a table and will not let the user attempt to guess the rule on without at least having two data points.(Additional related resources can be found under the learner tab.)  SEE MORE
9. Patterns & Functions.

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Twenty multiple-choice questions.  SEE MORE
10. Positive Linear Function Machine.

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Students investigate linear functions with positive slopes by trying to guess the slope and intercept from inputs and outputs. (Additional related resources can be found under the learner tab.)  SEE MORE
11. Whole Number Cruncher.

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Similar to "Number Cruncher" but only generates multiplication and addition functions to avoid outputting any negative numbers. (Additional related resources are available under the learner tab.)  SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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