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4th Grade Interactive Language Arts Skill Builders


Parts of a Book - RI.4.7

Links verified on 03/29/2021

1. Defining Parts of a Book.

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Online matching game from Quia. Match each definition or description with the correct part of the book SEE MORE
2. Making a book to talk about the parts of a book!

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Need a new idea to teach parts of a book? Use this teachers' blog on making a book piece by piece with her kids from scratch.  SEE MORE
3. Parts of a Book - Battleship.

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Find the ships and sink your opponent's ships by answering questions correctly.  SEE MORE
4. Parts of a Book - Hangman (harder).

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Guess the letters in a hidden word or phrase that names various parts of a book. SEE MORE
5. Parts of a Book Hangman (Hardest).

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Guess the letters in a hidden word or phrase that names various parts of a book. SEE MORE
6. Parts of a Book Quiz.

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13 multiple choice questions on parts of a book. SEE MORE
7. Parts of a Book Quiz.

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Quiz that can be taken whole class with discussion of answers.  SEE MORE
8. Parts of a Book Review Game.

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Review parts of a book. Good for struggling 4th graders. (Audio included) SEE MORE
9. Parts of a Book Teacher Resources.

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Find Parts of a Book lesson plans and worksheets. (Requires a free sign up for access.) SEE MORE
10. Parts of a Book.

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A YouTube video about the various parts of a book; table of contents; index; glossary, spine, title page. This video says it is for first and second grade, but I would put it more third and fourth because of vocabulary.  SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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