Capitalization and Contractions - CCSS L.5.2
Links verified on 07/24/2024
1. Capitalization Jeopardy.
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Quia Game; Identify the capitalization errors. SEE MORE
2. Capitalizing Proper Names.
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This activity requires students to identify the words that need capital letters in each of ten sentences. Immediate feedback is given. SEE MORE
3. Commas: Review.
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Correct the sentence by adding one comma. (Note: serial commas are not optional.) SEE MORE
4. Concentration (Contraction).
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Flip two cards that match showing the two words and the contraction. SEE MORE
5. Contractions Concentration Game.
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Quia Concentration Game - Practicing Contractions With Trinh and Tai SEE MORE
6. Contractions.
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Turtle Diary gives you four contraction games to play. Below the list of games is an explanation about contractions. SEE MORE
7. Extreme Sentence Surgeons: Saving Critically Injured Paragraphs.
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Use your superior skills to fix the bad spelling words, add commas, capital letters, periods, apostrophes, and change words used incorrectly. The paragraphs are counting on you. Be careful, though. You only get three incorrect fixes before your paragraph dies. SEE MORE
8. Fun Factory - Punctuation & Capitalization.
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Fun Factory is a great way for kids to practice punctuation and capitalization... and building toys! Fix the errors in the sentences in order to gain parts for your very own dollhouse, bike, scooter and more. (3 Difficulty Levels: Easy includes simple punctuation, medium includes moderate punctuations & hard includes complex punctuation) SEE MORE
9. Game Show Quiz: Capitalization Rules.
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A multiple choice quiz with time pressure, lifelines and a bonus round. SEE MORE
10. Match Up Barton 5 Rules Review.
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Drag and drop each keyword next to its definition. SEE MORE
11. Matching (Contractions).
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Match two words to it's contraction. SEE MORE
12. Pinata Party: Contraction Action!
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Join the fiesta in Contraction Action! Click on the contraction that matches the given words and use the slingshot to make the piñata burst open. SEE MORE
13. Pronoun-verb Contractions.
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Complete sentences with the correct contraction. SEE MORE
14. Punctuating Dialogue (Quiz).
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Choose which sentence is written correctly. SEE MORE
15. The Semicolon Wars: the Fight for Punctuation Island.
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Lead the semicolons to stirring victories over their neighbors by using semicolons, periods, commas, and colons correctly by blasting them into their correct places in the sentences that appear! SEE MORE
16. Wild Wild Taxi Racing.
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Answer question about capitalization then drive your taxi. Drive as fast as possible and go as far as you can without crashing your cab into other cars which are on the road SEE MORE
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