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5th Grade Interactive Language Arts Skill Builders


Cause and Effect - CCSS RL.5.2

Links verified on 11/18/2023

1. Adverb Clauses: Cause and Effect Relationships.

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Complete the statement to create a cause and effect.  SEE MORE
2. Cause & Effect Test.

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Complete the sentences with the correct cause or effect; and also identify the cause and effect in given sentences. SEE MORE
3. Cause and Effect Ice Cream Scoops.

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Match each cause (ice cream scoop) to the correct effect (cone). Good for beginner to this skill or those having difficulty. SEE MORE
4. Cause and Effect Jeopardy.

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Jeopardy game on cause and effect. SEE MORE
5. Cause and Effect Quiz.

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Matching Quia Quiz SEE MORE
6. Cause and Effect Quiz.

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Answer the following questions by looking for the cause and the effect in each sentence. SEE MORE
7. Factile Jeopardy-Style.

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A Jeopardy style game. Choose your number of teams, select team and start game by selecting a question by category and dollar amount. (Buzzer not available with free game.) SEE MORE
8. Great Depression Cause & Effect (Labeled Diagram).

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Drag and drop the pins to their correct place on the image. SEE MORE
9. Matching Cause and Effect.

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Match causes with their effects in informational texts. SEE MORE
10. Maze Chase - Cause and Effect Review.

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Run to the correct answer zone, while avoiding the enemies. SEE MORE
11. Reading Raiders.

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In this battle strategy game, players must match each cause to its effect. Every time you are successful, you will get to use one of 4 devices to help save your kingdom. (Video lesson and worksheet available) SEE MORE
  • Cause and Effect quizzes - Quiz One | Quiz Two | Quiz Three | Quiz Four
  • Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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