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8th Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Compare Fractions or Decimals - CCSS 7.NS.A.2

Links verified on 09/19/2022

1. Compare Percents to Fractions and Decimals.

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Ten questions comparing percents to fractions and decimals. (Timed) SEE MORE
2. Comparing Decimals and Fractions.

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Compare fractions and decimals using greater than, less than, or the same. SEE MORE
3. Comparing Decimals.

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Determine if the decimals are greater, less than or the same.  SEE MORE
4. Comparing Integers.

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Comparing integers with absolute values.  SEE MORE
5. Comparison of Fractions, Decimals and Percents.

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In this activity, you will learn to compare and order fractions, decimals, and percents. A practice activity is available after the lesson. SEE MORE
6. Computation Castle

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A game that requires the utilization of several math skills: mixed numbers/improper fractions, equivalent fractions, metric conversions, exponents, rounding to the nearest thousands and thousandths and place value.  SEE MORE
7. Death to Decimals and the Adventures of Fraction Man.

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This fun game requires students to role play as Fraction Man - a super hero who must save the world from horrible, parachuting decimal aliens by converting them to harmless fractions.  SEE MORE
8. Fraction Sorter.

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Interactive site posted by Shodor. This activity requires you to build two or more fractions and then order them from smallest to largest.  SEE MORE
9. Percent with a Calculator.

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Answer the problems, but don't run your mouse over the colored blocks until you have an answer in mind.  SEE MORE
10. Scooter Quest Decimal - Fraction.

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Help Jimmy make enough money to buy a scooter or his paper route. Use a skateboard for the paper route - earn money by answering math questions correctly and get faster equipment like roller blades, a bike and then eventually - a scooter! Click on the house with the correct answer to earn money. SEE MORE
11. Tug Team Diirt Bikes.

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Participate in a tug a war with dirt bikes as you compare fractions. Compete with other players online or play with the computer.  SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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