Comparing Numbers - CCSS K.CC.C.6, K.CC.C.7
Links verified on 02/26/2025
1. Comparing Numbers.
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Choose the number that is greater than or less than. SEE MORE
2. Circle the set that has less objects.
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An online quiz that is self checking.  SEE MORE
3. Circle the set that has more objects.
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An online quiz that is self checking.  SEE MORE
4. Compare Numbers Game.
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Select the range of numbers you want to play with and select the correct sign (<, =, >).  SEE MORE
5. Compare Numbers to 10.
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Compare the numbers to see which one is bigger or smaller.  SEE MORE
6. Compare Two 1-Digit Numbers (>,<,=).
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Online quiz that is self checking.  SEE MORE
7. Comparing Number Values.
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Count and compare the number dots to decide which symbol should complete the statements (<, =, >).  SEE MORE
8. Comparing Numbers (Quiz).
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Determine if a given number is greater than or less than or equal. SEE MORE
9. Comparing Numbers - Balloon Pop.
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Pop the balloons to drop each keyword onto its matching definition. SEE MORE
10. Comparing Numbers to 20.
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Drag and drop the symbol that makes the number sentence true.  SEE MORE
11. More or Less 1-5 (Quiz).
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A series of multiple choice questions. Tap the correct answer to proceed. SEE MORE
12. More, Less, or the Same.
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Count the objects on each side and decide if they are more, less or the same. Students must recognize the words.  SEE MORE
13. Which is More.
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Interactive quiz comparing two groups of coins. (Pennies and nickles) SEE MORE
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