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6th Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Comparing Numbers - 4.NF.A.2, 5.NBT.A.3.B, 6.NF.C.7.D

Links verified on 08/14/2024

1. AAA Math: Comparing And Ordering Numbers.

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Practice comparing and ordering numbers. Includes quizzes for comparing and ordering numbers & comparing and ordering integers. SEE MORE
2. Ballon Pop Maath - Percents, Fractions & Decimals.

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Solve the problems and pop the balloons in order from the smallest number to the largest number. SEE MORE
3. Compare Integers.

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Practice comparing numbers using the correct sign. SEE MORE
4. Compare Rational Numbers.

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Compare rational numbers and find the symbol that makes the inequality true. Unlock harder levels by getting 80% or higher. SEE MORE
5. Compare Rational Numbers.

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Which sign makes the statement true? SEE MORE
6. Comparing Decimal Numbers.

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Greater, Less Than, or the Same - Compare the decimals.  SEE MORE
7. Comparing Fractions Racing.

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Comparing Fractions Racing. Online mathematical fraction comparison game for children, with two game modes: with decimal numbers or only with fractions. You are the car on the right, and at the bottom is a comparison operation with fractions. You must answer with one of the boxes next to your car for the comparison equation to be true. Sometimes there are several possible answers, and your choice will determine whether you win the game by reaching the finish line before your opponent. SEE MORE
8. Comparing Integers.

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Comparing integers with absolute values <, > or =.  SEE MORE
9. Comparing Number Values.

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Practice greater than, less than, and equal drills. Players can choose to practice comparing whole numbers, fractions, decimals or all of them combined!  SEE MORE
10. Comparing Numbers Hub Page.

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Here you will find online math help and support to help you compare different numbers, including decimals and fractions. There are also links to a range of different ordering and comparing number worksheets which will help your child to understand about comparing and ordering different numbers and quantities. SEE MORE
11. Fruit Splat - Compare Equations.

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Compare by picking >,<,or =. (Three levels) Click on the fruits to compare the equations. Choose you mode (relaxed or timed) and speed (fast or slow). SEE MORE
12. Math Tank Equivalent Fractions.

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Drive your tank safely through the minefield by identifying equivalent fractions. Mines with equivalent fractions are safe to go over while mines that don't contain equivalent fractions will disable your tank. Try and get to the end of each level without tripping a mine. SEE MORE
13. MathPup Defense (Decimals).

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The Snow Noids are trying to take over MathPup's fort. Help MathPup fight them off by using the snow cannons to fire a decimal such that added to their decimal totals 1. Don't let them get past MathPup and watch out as on later levels they start bringing shields! SEE MORE
14. Ordering Six Digit Numbers.

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Lesson and activity placing three or more numbers in order.  SEE MORE
15. Road Racer.

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Pick your racer and then speed off to find the correct symbol. Kids love cool car math games and Road Racer is a fun way to help reinforce number sense among elementary students. Keep it simple with whole numbers or challenge yourself by comparing decimals or even negative numbers. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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