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1st Grade Interactive Language Arts Skill Builders


Reading Comprehension and Main Idea - CCSS RF.1.4, RI.1.2, RL.1.2,

Links verified on 05/26/2022

1. Create Your Own Storybook Adventure.

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Choose a book. Three choices are given on each page. Choose one. Click on the underline words for a definition of the word. Stories read aloud. SEE MORE
2. Main Idea And Details.

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Follow the auditable directions. Tap the main idea and details. SEE MORE
3. Main Idea Quiz.

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A series of 10 multiple choice questions. Tap the correct answer to proceed. SEE MORE
4. Main Idea.

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Read the story in the storm cloud, then strike the tree that shows the main idea.  SEE MORE
5. Molly of Denalli.

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Choose from 10 stories and go on an adventure with Molly. Make choices to help the story along. Audible directions are available. SEE MORE
6. Real or Make-Believe? Quiz.

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In this quiz, you will read each book title and decide if the book is real or make believe. A real book is non-fiction and make-believe is fiction. We read fiction books for fun and non-fiction for information. Select the answer and click submit. There are 10 questions in the real or make believe quiz. SEE MORE
7. Starfall Reading Activities.

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Here you will find activities and resources for your classroom! There are supplemental English Language Arts (ELA) resources to keep your children engaged in their learning experience.  SEE MORE
8. The Big Dog Problem.

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Read a story about Peg and Cat. The story is read aloud as each page is turned. SEE MORE
9. Whack-a-mole Main Idea.

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Hit the moles that tell what a main idea is. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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