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6th Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Computation - 6.NS.B.3

Links verified on 08/22/2022

1. Divide a five-digit by a four-digit number.

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Online interactive quiz that is self checking. SEE MORE
2. Divide a five-digit by a three-digit number.

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Online interactive quiz that is self checking. SEE MORE
3. Divide a five-digit by a two-digit number.

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Online interactive quiz that is self checking. SEE MORE
4. Divide a four-digit by a three-digit number.

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Online interactive quiz that is self checking. SEE MORE
5. Divide a six-digit by a five-digit number.

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Online interactive quiz that is self checking. SEE MORE
6. Divide a six-digit by a four-digit number.

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Online interactive quiz that is self checking. SEE MORE
7. Divide a six-digit by a three-digit number.

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Online interactive quiz that is self checking. SEE MORE
8. Divide a six-digit by a two-digit number.

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Online interactive quiz that is self checking. SEE MORE
9. Learn Your Multiplication Tables.

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At Timestables.com you can easily practice all of your tables. The arithmetic problems are clear and simple so you can immediately get started on practicing your tables. Select one of the multiplication table you wish to practice from the list below and show what you can do on the speed test or printout great worksheets.  SEE MORE
10. Math Baseball.

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Complete the Number Sentence. Compute the problem to hit the baseball; all operations available. SEE MORE
11. Mental Math Test.

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Get as many good answers as possible within the time limit. Mental math is a great way to keep your mind sharp! Apply your mental math tricks to maximize your results and speed for any mental math test.  SEE MORE
12. Spy Guys Interactive - Understanding Integers.

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Watch the video and respond at various places Lesson 6. This video includes sections which ask students to input responses. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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