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3rd Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Data Analysis - CCSS 3.MD.B.3

Links verified on 03/29/2023

1. All The Parts.

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Students learn the parts of different types of graphs. SEE MORE
2. Bar Graph.

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Enter data to create a bar graph, then manipulate the graph's maximum and minimum values. (Worksheets available under the "learner" tab.) SEE MORE
3. Bar Graphs and Variations on the Y-Axis.

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This activity requires students to read and make calculations based on a bar graphs with y-axis intervals of ten or more. Immediate feedback is provided.  SEE MORE
4. Bugs in the System!

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Drag the bugs into the column of the same color to create a graph. SEE MORE
5. Circle Graph.

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Enter data categories and the value of each category to create a circle graph (similar to "Pie Chart" but the user can define the data set). (Additional activities and worksheets available under the "learner" tab.) SEE MORE
6. Create your own Bar Graph.

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Use the data given to create your own bar graph. SEE MORE
7. Create your own Line Plot.

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Use the given data to create your own line plot. SEE MORE
8. Fishing (Pictogram).

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Catch the fish and then use the pictogram to count how many of each fish were caught. SEE MORE
9. How It All Stacks Up.

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Interpret and compare information using a bar graph. SEE MORE
10. Interpret Bar Graphs II.

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Read the graph and answer the questions in this game.  SEE MORE
11. Interpret Bar Graphs.

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Read the graph and answer the questions in this game.  SEE MORE
12. Interpret Line Plots.

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Student answer questions on this quiz, reading the line plots.  SEE MORE
13. Kids Have Pets.

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Students learn about the parts of a bar graph and how to collect information.  SEE MORE
14. Kinds Of Graphs.

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Learn about various types of graphs.  SEE MORE
15. Pictographs.

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This activity requires students to answer questions based on pictograms. It gives immediate feedback. SEE MORE
16. Pie Chart.

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Make pie charts. Additional resources are available. SEE MORE
17. Play Ball.

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Use the picture graphs to answer questions. SEE MORE
18. Representing Data.

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When you collect and record data, you can represent it in a diagram. Learn how to show the results using a bar chart, pie chart, line graph, pictogram, frequency diagram or scatter diagram. (Includes activity, glossary, guide, and test.)  SEE MORE
19. Study Jam: Data Analysis.

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Choose "Data Analysis" from the list of math topics. Video lessons on the following: line plots, median, range, bar graphs, circle graphs, double-line graphs, mean/average, mode, pictograph, stem-and-leaf, histograms, and choosing the correct graph. (Test yourself included) SEE MORE
20. Tally Chart.

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Use the tally chart to answer the questions in this quiz. The graph shows the nuumber of books collected by each student. There are five questions. SEE MORE
21. The Jellybean Tree Practice.

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This online bar graph activity will help you get ready to play The Jellybean Tree. Immediate feedback is provided.  SEE MORE
22. The Jellybean Tree Printable Practice.

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This printable practice of the Jellybean Tree will prepare students for the online game. SEE MORE
23. The Jellybean Tree.

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Watch as a tree sprouts with different colored jellybeans.“Pick” the jellybeans and drag and drop them to their correct places in a bar graph shown on the other side of the screen. The bar graph can be changed to a pie chart. Finally, the user must answer five questions involving the “jellybean tree.”  SEE MORE
24. Which bar graph is correct?

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Read each question and identify the graph that answers the given question. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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