Divide Fractions - 6.NS.A.1
Links verified on 03/08/2023
1. Catapult Game.
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This game is an interactive online test for children to practice their skills on fractions. Each game has multiple choice answers to problems. These games are suitable homeschooling and classroom practice. SEE MORE
2. Divide and Simplify Fractions With Number Line Models.
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Each quotient might be a number less than one or a mixed number larger than one. Follow the directions in the dialog box after pressing the <START> button. The <EXPLAIN> button may then be pressed after you enter the divisor to see how to do the example. SEE MORE
3. Divide by Fractions with Models.
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Divide. Use the models to help you. Scratch pad allows you to doodle over the question. SEE MORE
4. Divide Fractions - (Using Circles).
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This will show graphically how the divisor will fit into the dividend a whole number of times. Follow the directions in the dialog box after pressing the <START> button. The <EXPLAIN> button may then be pressed after you enter the divisor to see how to do the example. SEE MORE
5. Divide Fractions Calculator.
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Simple, powerful calculator to divide one fraction by another. SEE MORE
6. Divide Fractions with Mixed NUmbers up to 20.
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Divide. Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction or as a whole or mixed number. SEE MORE
7. Divide Fractions With Number Line Models.
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Follow the directions in the dialog box after pressing the <START> button. The <EXPLAIN> button may then be pressed after you enter the divisor to see how to do the example. SEE MORE
8. Dividing Fractions - Practice Problems.
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34 practice problems from the Math Page. To see the answer move the mouse over the colored area. SEE MORE
9. Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers.
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Practice solving division word problems with mixed numbers. SEE MORE
10. Dividing Fractions Basketball Game.
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This game is a multi-player game that can be played on computers, Promethean boards, smart boards, iPads, and other tablets. You do not need to install an app to play this game on the iPad. Have fun evaluating algebraic expressions! SEE MORE
11. Dividing Fractions by Fractions.
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Divide the first fraction by the integer and reduce to lowest terms. Leave the answer as a fraction, and not a mixed number. SEE MORE
12. Dividing Fractions Lessons.
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This is an index of lessons on dividing fractions from AAA Math.  SEE MORE
13. Dividing Mixed Numbers.
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Practice dividing fractions and check your work as you go so you know if you are correct or not! SEE MORE
14. Fractions Timed Tests.
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A time test on dividing fractions. Don't forget to simplify o lowest terms. SEE MORE
15. Moonshot!
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Math moon shoot game may no longer be available but you will find a ten question quiz below the game description.  SEE MORE
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