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1st Grade Interactive Language Arts Skill Builders


Ending Consonants - CCSS RF.1.2.c

Links verified on 01/12/2022

1. 3 Letter House.

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Spelling patterns with CVC words generated randomly, select an ending and a vowel. SEE MORE
2. Double Ending Consonant Ff Target.

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Ff double consonants video games to help young learners practice and learn ending words. SEE MORE
3. Ending Blend Phonics Games.

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Ending blend games that practice consonant and vowel ending sounds such as; ap, at, ab, ad, lk, ld, lb, lm, et, ot, in, an, un... These interactive phonics games introduce children to ending blend games and ending sound games. (Great for ESL) SEE MORE
4. Ending Consonant Blends for Kids.

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To teach kids ending consonant blends in a fun and interactive way, with SplashLearn’s games!  SEE MORE
5. Ending Sounds.

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From Tiny Tap. Use the picture to help you identify the ending sound and choose the correct letter. SEE MORE
6. Have More Fun.

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Many games to select from in various formats.  SEE MORE
7. Make A Word.

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Ending Consonant Blends, nt, nk, ng, nd, Phonics Activity. Practice the ending digraph and blends with n.  SEE MORE
8. Phonics Game.

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Type or click the ending sound letter for each given picture. Then click check spelling. SEE MORE
9. Pick the Right Ending Sound.

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The words have lost their last sounds! Can your child help these words in finding their ending sounds? There are so many options to choose from.  SEE MORE
10. Which Final Sound?

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Because words are read aloud, non-readers can successfully play the game. Listen to learn: In Which Final Sound? students hear a word and match the final sound from their word to the picture of the object whose name ends with the same sound.  SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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