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7th Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Estimating - CCSS 7.SP.A.1, 7.SP.A.2

Links verified on 08/16/2024

1. Comparison Estimator.

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Compares two sets of objects. This activity allows the user to understand the estimation process by comparing two objects. Students can choose to compare the length of two lines, the area of two shapes, or the number of objects on each side. SEE MORE
2. Estimate Percents of Numbers.

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Choose the most accurate estimate. SEE MORE
3. Estimate Sums, Differences and Products of Decimal (Quiz).

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Estimate the product. Round each factor to the nearest whole number, and then multiply.  SEE MORE
4. Estimating a Difference.

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Estimate the difference between two numbers. SEE MORE
5. Estimating a Sum.

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Estimate the sum to the nearest thousand. SEE MORE
6. Estimation Mixed Equations (Quiz).

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Choose the best answer. SEE MORE
7. Estimator.

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Practice estimation skills by determining the number of objects, length or area. (parameters: error tolerance) This activity allows the user to develop their estimation skills in 1 and 2 dimensions as well as estimating the number of individual objects.  SEE MORE
8. Front End Estimation: Addition.

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Estimate the sums by front end estimation. SEE MORE
9. Front End Estimation: Subtraction.

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Estimate the difference by front end estimation. SEE MORE
10. Get rhe Weight Metric.

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Try and balance the scales by estimating the amount of weights needed. If you don't balance the scales the first time, try and remember how much total weight you used to help you balance the scales on the next try. SEE MORE
11. Half-court Rounding.

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Try to score as many points as possible by rounding numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, or tenth. Try any kind of shot within the game and have 90 seconds to score s many points as possible and beat your opponent. SEE MORE
12. More or Less Estimator.

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Similar to the Estimator activity, but this activity states a quantity and asks the user to estimate whether the set of objects is more or less than the number given. This activity allows the user to learn about the estimation process. Students can choose to estimate the length of a line, the area of a shape, or the number of objects in the box.  SEE MORE
13. Round Decimals (Quiz).

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Round given numbers to the nearest whole. SEE MORE
14. Rounding Numbers.

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Round the number to the nearest Hundred Thousand  SEE MORE

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