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4th Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Estimation - CCSS 4.OA.3

Links verified on 06/19/2024

1. Alien Angles.

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Friendly aliens have lost their way and you are in charge of the rescue mission. Your job is to set the angle on the rescue launcher. Can you estimate the angles within 5 degrees? SEE MORE
2. Astro Blaster.

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Practice rounding to the nearest ten, hundred or even thousand by destroying astroids, aliens, and ufos in space. Once rounding numbers is learned, practice estimating two-digit numbers in addition and subtraction problems. Great for students still having difficulty grasping the concept. SEE MORE
3. Calculate Genius.

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Real world estimation. It's always fun to try to guess how many beans in a jar, how tall an object is or how much volume a container holds and see how close you come to the actual answer. That is what you will do in this game after getting a quick glimpse of what needs to be estimated. SEE MORE
4. Comparison Estimator.

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This activity allows the user to understand the estimation process by comparing two objects. Students can choose to compare the length of two lines, the area of two shapes, or the number of objects on each side. SEE MORE
5. Estimate Differences (Word Problems).

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Estimate differences in word problems. (4 Levels) SEE MORE
6. Estimate Differences.

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Estimate the difference by rounding each number to the nearest 10 and then subtracting. (4 Levels) SEE MORE
7. Estimate Products Up to 100,000.

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Use estimation to solve multiplication problems. (4 Levels) SEE MORE
8. Estimate Quotients Up to 10,000.

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When estimating use greater than or less than signs to make the sentence true. (4 Levels) SEE MORE
9. Estimate Sums (Up to 100,000).

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Practice estimating to find the sums. (4 Levels) SEE MORE
10. Estimate Sums (Word Problems).

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Choose the best estimated answer to each word problem. (4 Levels) SEE MORE
11. Estimating Sums to 1000.

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This activity requires students to estimate sums to 1000. Immediate feedback is given.  SEE MORE
12. Estimator Four.

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Try to connect four pieces in a row first. However, you must answer questions using estimation to. SEE MORE
13. Estimator.

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This activity allows the user to develop their estimation skills in 1 and 2 dimensions as well as estimating the number of individual objects. SEE MORE
14. How Many Marbles?

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Look at the marbles in the jar. Move the jar around. You can see the marbles from different sides. How many are there? Take a guess! How close can you get? SEE MORE
15. MathPup Angles Bubble Shoot.

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The location of bubbles are given in degrees. Use the slider to estimate the degrees as best as you can and then hit the shoot button to see how good your estimate is. SEE MORE
16. More or Less Estimator.

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Similar to Estimator activity but states a quantity and asks the user to estimate whether the set of objects is more or less than the number given. This activity allows the user to learn about the estimation process. Students can choose to estimate the length of a line, the area of a shape, or the number of objects in the box.  SEE MORE
17. Rounding and Estimating.

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Numerous practice lessons and exercises for rounding and estimating numbers and decimals. SEE MORE
18. Sir Roundalot.

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Destroy the box that shows the correct number in one of our popular rounding games. SEE MORE
19. Soccer Math.

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Practice estimating sums, differences, products and quotients. There are different levels of difficulty in each exercise making the game appropriate for a variety of students. The game offers a fun penalty shot feature after players get five correct in-a-row. SEE MORE
20. Word Problems Using Multiplication (Products) Estimation.

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This activity requires students to solve word problems with product estimation. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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