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7th Grade Interactive Math Skill Builders


Exponential Notation and Place Value - CCSS 7.EE.B.3, 7.NS.A.3, 8.EE.A.4

Links verified on 07/18/2022

1. Comparing Exponential and Standard Notation Numbers.

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Determine if the answer is greater than, less than or the same. SEE MORE
2. Computation Castle.

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A game that requires the utilization of several math skills: mixed numbers/improper fractions, equivalent fractions, metric conversions, exponents, rounding to the nearest thousands and thousandths and place value.  SEE MORE
3. Converting Decimal Numbers to Scientific Notation.

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Write the decimal number in scientific notation. SEE MORE
4. Converting Fractions to Scientific Notation.

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Write the fraction in scientific notation. SEE MORE
5. Converting from Scientific Notation Numbers.

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Write the number in standard notation. SEE MORE
6. Converting from Scientific Notation to Decimal Numbers.

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Write the number in decimal notation. SEE MORE
7. Converting Numbers to Scientific Notation.

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Write the number in scientific notation. SEE MORE
8. Division Using Scientific Notation.

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A lesson with two examples and seven practice problems. SEE MORE
9. Evaluate Cubes.

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Determine the value of each exponential expression. SEE MORE
10. Evaluating Exponents of Negative Numbers.

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Determine the value of each exponential expression. SEE MORE
11. Exponent Practice.

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Try a workout of 10 problems. If you do not get at least 8 correct on your first attempt, review "In Depth" and try again.  SEE MORE
12. Interactive Algebra Review on Integer Exponents.

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Fill in the missing exponents and other numbers and press "Check". SEE MORE
13. Multiplication & Division Problems Using Scientific Notation.

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A lesson that includes two examples and seven practice problems. SEE MORE
14. Multiplication in Scientific Notation.

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A lesson that includes four examples and seven practice problems. SEE MORE
15. Place Value Pirates.

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Find the buried treasure of Sir Francis Place Value by using their place value skills to destroy his horrid band of place value pirates. (Can be played on iPad and Tablet)  SEE MORE
16. Place Value Test.

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Practice your skills here. Choose the length, level and time for the practice problems.  SEE MORE
17. Quiz on Scientific Notation.

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Click on the two numbers that match, from That Quiz. (Preview of test is shown first.)  SEE MORE
18. Scientific Notation Practice -.

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Practice converting between scientific notation and normal numbers. Try Addition/Subtraction and Multiplication/Division problems. Quiz yourself! (This astronomy workshop page has a link to an older version of the quiz.)  SEE MORE
19. Scientific Notation Problem Generator.

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Either the scientific notation or standard notation representation of a number will be shown. Put the corresponding value(s) in the empty cell(s) and press "Check Answer".  SEE MORE
20. Scientific Notation Quiz.

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This quiz is designed to test your reading comprehension and understanding of the Scientific Notation section of the Online Study Guide to Chemistry.  SEE MORE
21. Scientific Notation.

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Convert the numbers into scientific notation. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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