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7th Grade Interactive Language Arts Skill Builders


Fact or Opinion - CCSS RH.6-8.8, RST.6-8.8

Links verified on 04/26/2022

1. (Grade 7) Fact and Opinion Questions.

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You can create printable tests and worksheets from these Grade 7 Fact and Opinion questions! Select one or more questions using the checkboxes above each question. Then click the add selected questions to a test button before moving to another page.  SEE MORE
2. Contrast and Evaluate Fact and Opinion.

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Printable practice exercise where students identify statement of opinion and explain why it is not a fact. Both exercises consist of multiple choice and open-ended questions.(Answers included) SEE MORE
3. Author's Purpose: Fact and Opinion -.

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Twelve multiple choice questions, answer key at bottom of the page  SEE MORE
4. Can You Pass This Fact Or Opinion Quiz?.

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All you have to do is answer these questions right and you get a certificate. 9 questions with immediate feedback. SEE MORE
5. Distinguish Facts From Opinions Quiz.

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Decide which sentence states a fact? SEE MORE
6. Fact and Opinion (PDF).

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3 pages of Fact and Opinion exercises.(Answers not provided) From Miami Dade College prep documents. SEE MORE
7. Fact and Opinion Quiz.

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Test your knowledge by taking a quiz on the reading skill "Fact and Opinion". Choose from 5 or 10 questions. SEE MORE
8. Fact and Opinion Self-Test.

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Click on the appropriate choice after each statement.  SEE MORE
9. Fact or Opinion: Quiz 2.

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Read the statements and determine if they are facts or opinions. Select your answer from the popup menu. There are a total of 30 statements to evaluate.  SEE MORE
10. Fact or Opinion?

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[10 questions] Decide if sentences are fact or opinion. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.] SEE MORE
11. fact or Opinion? Quiz.

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Identify 15 sentences as statements of fact or opinion. SEE MORE
12. Fact Vs Opinion - Factile.

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A jeopardy style game. Free version allows up to five teams. SEE MORE
13. Fact, Habit, Opinion or Schedule?

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An English-Zone quiz with ten multiple-choice questions.  SEE MORE
14. Fact, Opinion, and Inference Pretest #2.

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Read the short paragraphs to determine whether the statements provided are facts or inferences. YOU MUST READ THE SHORT PASSAGE TO ANSWER.  SEE MORE
15. Quizizz: Fact or Opinion.

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Test your understanding of fact and opinion. Includes 20 multiole-choice items. SEE MORE
16. Sir Readalot.

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Pick a skill (fact or opinion). Smash boxes to find a key that will unlock the treasure chest. (Access to video lesson, quiz, and worksheet)  SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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