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Kindergarten Language Arts Skill Builders


Letter Matching - CCSS RF.K.1.d

Links verified on 04/27/2022

1. ABC Match.

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This online game is a phonics twist on the classic memory-testing matching card game. Children can turn over only two cards per turn—one letter and one picture. The object of the game is to match the picture with its correct beginning letter. Can they remember where the right cards are to make a match? You can select the Play Mode, which features a timer, or the Learn Mode, which doesn’t limit the amount of time children have to make matches. SEE MORE
2. Alpha Jet Pets.

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Click on the correct letter. Letters: upper and lower case SEE MORE
3. Alphabet Bubble.

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Pop bubbles to match letters with words that start with the correct letter sound. Once a match is completed you are shown a picture of the word. SEE MORE
4. Alphabet Match A-L.

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A Super Fun Game to practice learning Letters A-L. You will identify letters by sound, by the beginning letter in sight words, and by pictures.  SEE MORE
5. Alphabet Match M-Z.

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A Super Fun Game to practice learning Letters M-Z. The little learner will practice letter recognition responding to questions and interacting with shape puzzles. SEE MORE
6. Big Letter Bunnies.

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Find rabbits with the equivalent capital or lower case letter. Drag the correct rabbits onto the cabbage patch. When you've found them all the water bottle will appear to let you try with the next letter.  SEE MORE
7. Letter Matcher.

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Click on the boxes to match each uppercase letter to its lowercase form. (Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Recognition, Memory)  SEE MORE
8. Letter Matching.

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A simple and fun kids game of alphabet recognition. Learn to identify the in uppercase and lowercase as they drag and swap the letter tiles to make a match of three. Kids can click on the alphabet bubbles on the side to learn its name and phonic sound. Kids will have a great time playing this challenging game and certainly enhance their alphabet recognition skills through it. SEE MORE
9. Letter To Letter 4 (A-Z).

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A matching game to reinforce recognition of upper and lower case letters in the English alphabet. It includes letter pronunciation, the sound it makes, and a word that begins with the letter’s sound.  SEE MORE
10. Letters! - Online Game.

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Simply click "play" and choose game play options (correct order or jumbled). When you hear the voice call the name of a letter, click on the correct letter. See if you can correctly select all 26 letters.  SEE MORE
11. Matching Letters Game.

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Drag and drop the letters to correct match. SEE MORE
12. Monster Mansion - Letter Match.

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A fun educational game for kids to practice matching capital and lowercase letters. Click on the windows of the Monster Mansion to reveal the friendly monsters inside and match the uppercase to lowercase letter. Children can play by memory or while seeing the letters. All letter names and letter sounds are reinforced with audio. SEE MORE
13. Uppercase & Lowercase Letter Match.

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Match the lowercase letters to the uppercase letters and help restore color to the children's world. Click and drag the lowercase letter to the uppercase letter to restore the color. Match all 26 letters of the alphabet to get all of the color back in the picture. Click on a letter to hear it pronounced. SEE MORE

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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